(A)   Discrimination in employment. It shall be unlawful to do the following:
      (1)   For any employer, because of the race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap or of any person to refuse to hire or otherwise discriminate against him or her with respect to hire, tenure, conditions or privileges of employment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment;
      (2)   For any labor organization to discriminate against any person or limit his or her employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his or her status as an employee as to his or her wages, hours, employment conditions because of his or her race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap of any prospective employee; and
      (3)   For any person providing employment to publish, or cause to be published, any advertisement which specifies or in any manner indicates or expresses a limitation or preference as to the race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap of any prospective employee.
   (B)   Discrimination in public accommodation. It shall be unlawful for any proprietor or his or her employer, keeper or manager in place of public accommodation to deny any person, except for reasons applicable alike to all persons, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap, the full enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities or privileges thereof.
   (C)   Discrimination in housing. It shall be unlawful to do the following:
      (1)   For an owner, lessee, sublessee, assignee, real estate broker, real estate salesperson, managing agent of or other person having the right to sell, rent, lease, sublease, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of a housing accommodation, or any agent of these, to refuse to sell, to refuse to rent, lease, sublease, assign, transfer or otherwise deny to or withhold from any person group of persons such housing accommodations or represent that such housing accommodations are not available for inspection when in fact they are so available, because of the race, creed, color, sex national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap of such person or persons, or discriminate against or segregate any person because of his or her race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap in the terms, conditions or privileges of the sale, rental, lease, sublease, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any such housing accommodation or to do any other thing or engage in conduct which would otherwise make unavailable equal housing opportunities;
      (2)   For a person to publish, circulate, issue or display, or cause to be published, circulated, issued or displayed, any communication, notice, advertisement or sign or any kind relating to the sale, rental, lease, sublease, assignment, transfer or listing of a housing accommodation or accommodations which indicates any preference, limitation, specification or discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap;
      (3)   For a person, bank, banking organization, mortgage company, insurance company or other financial institution of lenders, or agent or employee thereof, to whom application is made for financial assistance for the purchase, lease, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, repair or maintenance of any housing accommodation to discriminate against any person or group of persons because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap of such person or group of persons or of the prospective occupants or tenants of such real property in the granting, withholding, extending, modifying or renewing, or in the rates, terms, conditions or privileges of, any such financial assistance or in the extensions of services in connection thereof;
      (4)   For an owner, lessee, sublessee, assignee, real estate broker, real estate salesperson, managing agent of or other person having the right to sell, rent, lease, sublease, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of a housing accommodation, or any agent of any of these to discriminate against any person by refusing to negotiate, making false representations on the availability of the housing unit or withdrawing from the market a housing unit which is for sale, lease, sublease or rental;
      (5)   For an owner, lessee, sublessee, assignee, real estate broker, real estate salesperson, managing agent of or other person having the right to sell, rent, lease, sublease, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of a housing accommodation or any agent of any of these to include in the terms, conditions or privileges of any sale, lease, sublease, rental, assignment or other transfer of any housing, any clause, condition or restrictions discriminating against any person in the use or occupancy of such housing;
      (6)   For an owner, lessee, sublessee, assignee, real estate broker, real estate salesperson, managing agent of or other person having the right to sell, rent, lease, sublease, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of a housing accommodation, or any agent of any of these to discriminate in the furnishing of any facilities, repairs, improvements or services or in the terms, conditions or privileges or tenure of occupancy of any person; and
      (7)   For any real estate agent or other individual:
         (a)   To induce or attempt to induce a sale, transfer of interest or listing for sale of any housing by making representations regarding the existing or potential proximity of real property owned, used or occupied by any person of any particular race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap, by direct or indirect methods;
         (b)   To make any representation to any prospective purchaser or lessee that any housing in a particular block, neighborhood or area may undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a change with respect to race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap of such block, neighborhood or area; and
         (c)   To induce or attempt to induce a sale or listing for sale of any housing by representation that the presence or anticipated presence of persons of any particular race, creed, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital or familial status, religious belief, age or handicap in the area will or may result in:
            1.   The lowering of property values;
            2.   A change in racial, color, religious, nationality or ethnic composition of the block, neighborhood or area in which the property is located;
            3.   An increase in criminal or anti-social behavior in the area; and
            4.   A decline in the quality of the schools serving the area.
   (D)   Aiding and abetting discrimination. It shall be unlawful for a person to assist, aid, abet, entice, incite or coerce another person to commit an act for or engage in any practices forbidden by this section.
   (E)   Exemptions. The provisions of this subchapter as it pertains to sexual orientation shall not apply to religious schools, churches engaged in religious activities and owner-occupied residences with not more than three unrelated renters.
(Prior Code, § 3.07.08) Penalty, see § 33.99