(A)   Parking and storage of trailers, campers, and motor homes. No person shall park or store, or permit to be parked or stored, upon any public or private premises in the city that are owned, leased, rented, occupied or possessed by such person, any trailer, camper, or motor home, or any agricultural vehicle, unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   Such parking or storage is located within a fully enclosed building; or
      (2)   With respect to such parking or storage, all of the following are true:
         (a)   Such parking or storage does not occur in the front yard area of any premises; and
         (b)   Such parking or storage as might occur in the side yard or rear yard of any premises shall maintain a five foot perimeter on all sides of the trailer for storage purposes, and said must be wholly parked on a single parcel owned by the owner of the trailer; and
         (c)   Subject to the requirements of division (A)(2)(b) above, the parking or storage of campers, trailers and motor homes is permitted in industrial and commercial districts, unless otherwise prohibited by any other ordinance in effect within the city; the commercial use, parking or storage of a camper, trailer or motor home in B1 Zoning Districts is prohibited.
   (B)   Use of trailers, campers and motor homes as a dwelling. A trailer, camper or motor home may be used as a temporary dwelling between Memorial Day and Labor Day only each year, and only as follows, unless permitted by the Negaunee City Manager pursuant to § 70.08(D):
      (1)   In zoning districts classified as B2 and IND:
         (a)   As a temporary dwelling during the construction and installation of a dwelling;
         (b)   As a temporary dwelling for commercial sales; or
         (c)   As a temporary dwelling for security purposes;
      (2)   In zoning districts classified as R1, R2, or RR by the owner or immediate family member of the owner of the trailer, camper or motor home only;
      (3)   No trailer, camper or motor home may be used as a temporary dwelling within a zoning district classified as MIN or B1, or on Negaunee city property not designed for such activities, unless authorized by special land use permit or as a temporary campground;
      (4)   The location of all trailers, campers and motor homes used as temporary dwellings shall maintain at least five feet on all sides from any other structure or lot line, and are limited to one trailer, camper or motor home per lot at any one time; and
      (5)   All trailers, campers and motor homes used as temporary dwellings must have an operational and fully charged fire extinguisher and a working smoke alarm and are subject to an inspection by the City Manager or designee or the Negaunee City Police Department to ensure compliance. Refusal to permit a requested inspection shall result in: prohibition of the use of the trailer, camper or motor home as a temporary dwelling; a citation; fines; and/or the impounding of the trailer, camper or motor home at the owner's expense.
   (C)   Parking and storage of other vehicles. No person shall park or store, or permit to be parked or stored, upon any public or private premises in the city that are owned, leased, rented, occupied or possessed by such person, any agricultural vehicle, boat/watercraft, electronic propelled vehicle, inoperable vehicle, unlicensed vehicle, or salvage, junk or scrap vehicle, unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   Such parking or storage is located within a fully enclosed building; or
      (2)   Such vehicle is, where subject to a license requirement, currently and validly licensed for operation upon the public streets, is not inoperable and has all of its main component parts properly attached; or
      (3)   Such vehicle or parts are located in a duly licensed and properly zoned junk yard, salvage yard or new or used car dealer's lot or storage yard, where such uses or operations are legally authorized under the Zoning Code and are conducted in conformance therewith; or
      (4)   Such vehicle is awaiting repairs or delivery to owners at an authorized service station, garage, paint shop or body shop legally authorized under the Zoning Code and registered with the state; is locked; is currently and validly licensed for operation upon the public streets where subject to a license; and is not a public nuisance; or
      (5)   Such vehicle, although temporarily inoperable because of minor mechanical failure, has substantially all of its main component parts attached, is not in any manner a dismantled vehicle, and, where subject to a license, is currently and validly licensed for operation upon the public streets; provided, however, that the premises shall not contain any such vehicle for longer than 30 days, in any one calendar year, calculated on a cumulative basis for the same or different vehicles, and notwithstanding the fact that no one such vehicle remains upon the premises for more than the aforesaid 30-day period; or
      (6)   Such vehicle is a modified vehicle in a fully operational condition, such as a vehicle that is stock-modified, redesigned or reconstructed for a purpose other than that for which it was manufactured, provided that any such vehicle shall comply with both of the following restrictions:
         (a)   No such vehicle shall be parked or stored in the front yard area of any premises; and
         (b)   Any such vehicle parked or stored in a side yard or rear yard area shall maintain at least five feet on all sides from any other structure or lot line; or
      (7)   Such vehicle is what is commonly referred to as a "classic car" or an "antique car" or a similar type of vehicle which is in the process of engine, mechanical or body restoration, provided that any such vehicle shall comply with both of the following restrictions:
         (a)   No such vehicle shall be parked or stored in the front yard area of any premises; and
         (b)   Any such vehicle parked or stored in the side yard or rear yard area shall maintain a five foot setback from all lot lines and structures; or
         (c)   Such vehicle:
            1.   Is in operating condition; and
            2.   Has all its main component parts properly attached; and
            3.   Is for sale by the owner or occupant of the premises; and
            4.   Is posted with a "for sale" sign. This provision shall be limited to authorizing the outdoor storage of one such vehicle per lot or parcel at any one time and shall authorize the storage of such vehicle for not more than 30 days; or
      (8)   Such vehicle is an agricultural vehicle which is operable, and which is used or useable for agricultural purposes on the premises where located.
(Ord. passed 11-9-2023)