It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of any vehicle to violate the following, which shall be, and hereby are, designated as civil infractions:
   (A)   Failure to park with wheels parallel to the roadway and within 12 inches of any existing right-hand curb;
   (B)   Failure to park with wheels adjacent to and within 12 inches of the left-hand curb of a properly signed one-way street;
   (C)   Stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle other than at the angle to the curb or edge of the roadway indicated by signs or markings;
   (D)   Leaving a vehicle standing unattended without effectively setting the brakes thereon, stopping the motor of said vehicle and, when standing upon any grade, without turning the front wheels of such vehicle to the curb or side of the highway;
   (E)   Parking on a street in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available insufficient width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic;
   (F)   Parking on a sidewalk or crosswalk;
   (G)   Parking within two feet of a public or private driveway;
   (H)   Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
   (I)   Parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk, or if none, then within 15 feet of the intersection of property lines at an intersection of streets and highways;
   (J)   Parking within 30 feet upon approach to any flashing beacon, stop signs, or traffic control signal located at the side of a street or highway;
   (K)   Parking within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing;
   (L)   Parking within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of said entrance when properly signposted;
   (M)   Parking upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a street or highway, excepting parking on the Rail Street overpass over Silver Street, in designated parking spots only;
   (N)   Parking within 200 feet of an accident at which first responders are in attendance;
   (O)   Parking in front of any theater;
   (P)   Parking in any place or in any manner so as to block exit or exits conspicuously marked as such, of buildings;
   (Q)   Parking in any place or in any manner so as to block or hamper immediate use of and immediate egress from any fire escape, conspicuously marked as such and providing an emergency means of egress from any building;
   (R)   The stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with traffic or the direction of a police officer, in violation of any legally established parking restrictions or prohibitions duly posted by sign in accordance with the ordinances of the city;
   (S)   The stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle in an unloading, delivery or pick-up zone except for unloading or loading merchandise;
   (T)   The stopping, standing or parking of buses or taxicabs at any place other than a bus stop or taxicab stand except as may be permitted by law;
   (U)   The parking of a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop or a taxicab in a taxicab stand when the stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed;
   (V)   The parking of a vehicle upon or across a line or mark designating a parking space; and
   (W)   Parking in a designated handicapped parking space without an approved handicapped certificate or handicapped registration plate appropriately displayed.
(Ord. passed 11-9-2023)