(A)   Preliminary plat requirements.
      (1)   Preliminary plats shall be submitted and filed for approval in accordance with the requirements of §§ 112 through 120 inclusive of the Subdivision Control Act, being Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.112 through 560.120, and these subdivision regulations. The fee provided for in these subdivision regulations for review of preliminary plats shall be deposited with the City Clerk at the time of filing the initial application.
      (2)   The proprietor or his or her agent shall submit ten copies each of the completed application form along with the preliminary plat to the City Clerk at least two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the city’s Planning Commission. The Clerk will immediately forward two complete sets of documents to the City Engineer for review.
      (3)   The City Engineer, upon finding the submission complete, will notify the City Clerk who will in turn alert the Secretary of the Planning Commission to place the matter on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the city’s Planning Commission.
      (4)   Distribution of the ten copies by the City Clerk as required in division (A)(2) above shall be as follows:
         (a)   City Clerk - Record File: two;
         (b)   Local School District Superintendent: one;
         (c)   City Engineer: two;
         (d)   Chairperson, City Planning Commission: three; and
         (e)   City Manager: two.
      (5)   The City Engineer, prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission, shall review the proposed preliminary plat and accompanying documents, and report his or her findings to the Chairperson of the Planning Commission.
      (6)   After careful review of the City Engineer’s report and recommendation, along with any other relevant information, the Planning Commission may, at its option, pursue the following course of action:
         (a)   Grant tentative approval or disapprove the plat. If the proposed subdivision is disapproved, the Planning Commission shall set forth in writing its reasons for rejection and specify to the proprietor the requirements for tentative approval; or
         (b)   Grant provisional approval subject to certain modifications and/or requirements which it shall state in writing.
      (7)   In the case of provisional approval the proprietor shall re-submit the revised preliminary plat incorporating the modifications and/or changes as required by the Planning Commission. Re-submission may be made prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.
      (8)   The City Planning Commission shall forward its recommendations to the City Council for its action. Tentative approval, granted by the City Council, in accordance with the requirements of § 112(4) of the Subdivision Control Act, being Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, shall confer upon the proprietor, for a period of one year from its date, approval of lot sizes, lot orientation, and street layout. Such tentative approval may be extended if applied for by the proprietor and granted by the City Council in writing.
      (9)   If tentative approval of the preliminary plat is granted by the City Council, the proprietor shall conform to all applicable state laws regulating the subdivision of land, and subsequent processing of the proposed subdivision will be in accordance with these subdivision regulations and the requirements and procedures set forth in the Subdivision Control Act, being Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293.
      (10)   Within one year of the date of City Council’s tentative approval, the proprietor may submit six copies of the final preliminary plat, along with documented evidence of approvals from all required state and local agencies, to the City Clerk, all in accordance with § 120, Item 1(c) of Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, and these regulations. The City Clerk shall immediately forward two copies each to the Planning Commission, the City Manager, and the City Engineer. The City Council shall not act on the matter until it has received a recommendation from the Planning Commission that the final preliminary plat is in general agreement with the previously submitted preliminary plat.
      (11)   Prior to approval of the final preliminary plat by the City Council, the City Manager shall require a written report from the City Engineer regarding the adequacy of proposed improvements, their design, and their scheduled installation, along with a review of the final preliminary plat prior to acceptance by the City Council.
      (12)   The City Council may grant approval of the final preliminary plat if it is determined, after reviewing written reports from the City Engineer, and after receiving the recommendation of the Planning Commission, that the plat and proposed improvements have met all requirements. Final approval of the preliminary plat shall confer upon the proprietor, for a period of two years from the date of approval, the conditional right that the general terms and conditions under which approval was granted will not be changed. The two-year period may be extended if applied for by the proprietor and granted by the City Council in writing. The City Manager shall send written notice of any extension to all other approving authorities in accordance with §§ 113 through 119 of Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A.§§ 560.113 through 560.119.
      (13)   After the City Council’s approval of the final preliminary plat, the proprietor may begin the installation of the approved subdivision improvements or post surety in the form of a performance bond, letter of credit, certified check, or cash deposit as specified herein.
   (B)   Final plat requirements.
      (1)   Final subdivision plats shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the requirements as set forth in the Subdivision Control Act, being Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293.
      (2)   A written application for final plat approval along with the State Treasurer’s recording fee shall accompany all final plats.
      (3)   The subdivider shall submit proof of ownership of the land included in the final plat in the form of an abstract of title certified to the date of the proprietor’s certificate or a policy of title insurance currently in force.
      (4)   The City Council may require such other information as it deems necessary to establish whether the proper parties have signed the plat.
      (5)   Within two years from the date of the final preliminary plat approval, the proprietor may file a final plat with the City Clerk who will in turn forward the plat to the City Manager and place the item on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting.
      (6)   If the City Council determines that all conditions for final plat approval have been satisfied, including pre-installation of required improvements, and/or acceptable security provided to assure said installation, Council may grant such approval in accordance with § 148 of the Subdivision Control Act, being Public Act 288 of 1967, as amended, being M.C.L.A. § 560.148.
(Prior Code, § 1244.01)