To create and preserve the maximum beauty of the entire cemetery, the following rules shall be observed.
   (A)   The city reserves to itself the sole right to plant and maintain all permanent plantings within the cemetery. Lot owners desiring special permanent plantings on their lots, if in the sections permitting monuments, may make their request to the Sexton, who may permit such planting to be done at the lot owner’s expense, and such planting shall immediately become the property of the cemetery. All plantings so installed shall be in conformance with a prepared and approved plan and subject to the satisfaction and approval of the Sexton. Lot owners desiring re-seeding or re-sodding of lots must furnish all materials, including seed, sod, and fertilizer, and must pay for all labor and special equipment used for such work. The city’s responsibility for the successful maturing of such sod and/or seed shall cease upon installation of such materials. Watering shall be the responsibility of the owner.
   (B)   Seasonal and perennial plants will be limited to the width of the monument (or markers, if there is no family monument) and will not exceed ten inches in depth. Permanent urns will not be permitted. Failure to maintain urns presently installed will be cause for removal thereof.
   (C)   Receptacles for cut flowers will be permitted if installed flush with the surface of the lawn. Flush marker areas of the cemetery are restricted to floral displays that can be moved to facilitate lawn mowing and to receptacles that are recessed flush to the ground and which may be moved for mowing purposes.
   (D)   Winter decorations may be maintained on graves until May 1, at which time they may be removed by cemetery employees. Rubbish, refuse and unused containers shall not be left on lots, but shall be placed at the edge of the nearest accessible road. The city reserves the right to remove all floral designs, flowers, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind from the cemetery as soon as, in the judgment of the Sexton or his or her assistants, they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental, diseased, or when they do not conform to established standards.
(Prior Code, § 1062.07)