For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AGRICULTURAL VEHICLE. A motor vehicle or conveyance designed and intended for agricultural use, including, but not limited to, garden tractors, farm tractors and other implements, either self-propelled or customarily towed, which are used in farming operations; but shall not include lawn mowers, rototillers or similar small equipment customarily associated with home gardening activities.
   ALLEYWAY. A narrow passageway between lots or behind buildings that is part of the public right-of-way.
   ATV or ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE. A motorized off-highway vehicle designed to travel off-road, or such other definition as may be provided for herein (e.g., motor/electric vehicle) or by state law.
   BOAT/WATERCRAFT. A vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine, including jet skis, or which has any type of hull.
   BODY SHOP. A licensed garage or other licensed facility offering commercial services for the repair and restoration of vehicles' bodies.
   BUS STOP. A place where a bus regularly stops for the loading and unloading of passengers.
   BUSINESS DISTRICT. A designated part of a city where there are many businesses and pedestrian traffic.
   CAMPER, TRAILER, or MOTOR HOME. A class or type of vehicle or trailer that people can live in or sleep in when they are traveling or camping.
   CODE OFFICIAL OR OTHER DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER. The official who is charged with the administration and enforcement of the Traffic Code, or any duly authorized representative. The CODE OFFICIAL OR OTHER DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER may be the Chief of Police, the Building Inspector, the Zoning Administrator, or any duly authorized representative of the City Manager or Chief of Police.
   ELECTRONIC PROPELLED DEVICE. An electric vehicle or other device able to generate driving force with electric power from an in-vehicle power storage device and used for locomotion purposes.
   EMERGENCY. A condition which is a violation of this Traffic Code and which constitutes an imminent danger, calling for immediate action in order to avoid death, injury or illness to a human or the destruction or severe damaging of real or personal property.
   FIRST RESPONDER. A person with specialized training and who is among those responsible for going immediately to the scene of an accident, incident or emergency to aid.
   FOOD TRUCK. A self-contained, motorized vehicle used for the preparation, distribution or sale of food.
   HIGHWAY. The entire width between the boundary lines of a way publicly maintained when any part of the way is open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel. HIGHWAY includes city streets and alleys.
   INOPERABLE VEHICLE. A vehicle to which any of the following conditions pertains;
      (1)   It is being dismantled for the sale, salvage, repair or reclamation of parts thereof;
      (2)   It does not have all its main component parts properly attached; or
      (3)   Any other or additional conditions exist which cause the vehicle, if eligible for operation upon the public streets, to be incapable of being operated in a lawful manner upon the public streets.
   MAIN COMPONENT PARTS. All such parts or equipment as are necessary for a vehicle to be lawfully driven or drawn upon the public streets pursuant to the Michigan Vehicle Code, being Act 300 of the Public Acts of 1949, as amended, including fenders, hood, wheels, radiators, motor, windows, doors, muffler, body and essential engine parts.
   MOBILE FOOD VENDING UNIT. Any motorized or non-motorized vehicle, trailer, food truck, or other device designed to be portable and not permanently attached to the ground from which food is prepared, vended, served or offered for sale.
   MOTOR/ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Every vehicle which is intended to move or transport persons or property, and which is self-propelled by means of an internal combustion engine or by electric engine, including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, vans, buses, truck-tractors, motorcycles, motorbikes, motor scooters, mopeds, bulldozers, side-by-sides, front-end loaders and other types of construction equipment, logging skidders and snowmobiles.
   NUISANCE. All property conditions that are prohibited by the Traffic Code.
   OPERATE. To ride in or on, and to be in actual control of, the operation of a vehicle.
   OPERATOR. A person who operates or is in actual physical control of the operation of a vehicle.
   OVERNIGHT PARKING. Any vehicle or trailer present and parked on a public right-of-way or public parking lot, after the hours preventing the parking thereof.
   OWNER. Any person, agent, operator, firm, corporation or entity having legal or equitable interest in the property; or recorded in the official records of the state, county or municipality as holding title, including the guardian of the estate of any such person, and the executor or administrator of the estate of such person if ordered to take possession of real property by a court.
   PARKING. Standing a vehicle, whether occupied or not, upon a highway when not loading or unloading, except when making necessary repairs.
   PARKING LOT. An area where cars or other vehicles may be left temporarily.
   PERMITTED PARKING. A parking permit validated and issued by the city allowing a resident to park in any designated parking space.
   PERSON. An individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity of any kind.
   PUBLIC WAY. Any street, alley or similar parcel of land essentially unobstructed from the ground to the sky, which is deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated to the public for public use.
   ROADWAY. That portion of a highway improved, designated, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, not including the shoulder. If a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term roadway refers to a roadway separately, but not to all roadways collectively.
   SALVAGE, JUNK or SCRAP VEHICLE. Any vehicle, camper or ORV that is partially disassembled and/or missing doors, windows, wheels and/or tires and other parts.
   SHOULDER. That portion of the highway contiguous to the roadway that generally extends the contour of the roadway, not specifically designed for vehicular travel but maintained for the temporary accommodation of disabled or stopped vehicles which are otherwise permitted on the roadway.
   SIDE-BY-SIDE VEHICLE. An off-road vehicle with seats positioned side-by-side and enclosed within a roll cage structure and which has a minimum of four wheels.
   SKATEBOARD. A single platform mounted on wheels, which are propelled solely by human power, and which has no mechanism or other device with which to steer or to control the movement or direction of the platform.
   SNOWMOBILE. A motor vehicle, especially one with runners in the front and caterpillar tracks in the rear, for traveling over snow.
   STORAGE. A space available for storing something, whether in an interior structure or upon any surface area.
   TEMPORARY DWELLING. A caravan, mobile home, vehicle, trailer, camper, motor home, or other structure or thing, wheeled or otherwise, which is capable of being moved from one place to another, and used for human habitation for a time period not exceeding 110 days.
   THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC. Truck traffic that originates outside the city and which travels over city streets to a designation outside the city.
   TRAILER. Every vehicle which is not self-propelled and is designed and intended for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle.
   TRUCK. Every truck, truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer, or any combination thereof having a gross weight of ten tons or more, including the truck and its load, as administered by the State of Michigan registration certificate.
   TRUCK ROUTE. Travel over certain streets, as designated herein, over and along which trucks coming into and going out of the city must operate.
   UNLICENSED VEHICLE. Any vehicle, camper, or ORV that does not maintain current license plate and tags as issued by the Michigan Secretary of State or other appropriate licensing agency or bureau.
   VEHICLE. Motor or electric vehicles, trailers and agricultural vehicle.
   WEIGHT LIMIT. A limit on permitted weight.
(Ord. passed 11-9-2023)