The Bureau may dispose of municipal civil infraction violations for which a municipal civil infraction notice has been issued and for which specific fines and costs are prescribed in the schedule provided for in this chapter and/or in § 10.99. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent or restrict the city from filing a municipal civil infraction citation with the District Court or otherwise limit the remedies available to the city for violations of these codified ordinances. No person shall be required to dispose of a municipal civil infraction at the Bureau, and the unwillingness of any person to dispose of any violation at the Bureau shall not prejudice the person or in any way diminish the person’s rights, privileges and protection accorded by law. Further, the fines set forth in the schedule provided for in this chapter and in § 10.99 shall apply only to admissions of responsibility made at the Bureau and shall in no way bind or restrict the discretion of any court in formulating a remedy for the commission of a municipal civil infraction.
(Prior Code, § 292.05)