Precinct 1 (the South Precinct) shall consist of the following described area: Beginning at the intersection of Teal Lake Avenue extended and the south shore of Teal Lake, then westerly along said south shore to the west city limit line, which is also the west line of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 27 West; then south along said west section line to the southwest corner of said Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 27 West; then east along the south line of said Section 35 to the northwest corner of Section 1, Township 47 North, Range 27 West; then south along the west section lines of Sections 1, 12, and 13 of Township 47 North, Range 27 West, to the south city limit line; then east along the south city limit line to the east city limit line; then north along the east city limit line to the southeast corner of Section 33, Township 48 North, Range 26 West; then west along said section line to the southwest corner of said Section 33, Township 48 North, Range 26 West; then southwesterly through fenced caving grounds to the centerline of Mitchell Avenue, extended; then northwesterly along the centerline of Mitchell Avenue to the centerline of East Arch Street; then westerly along the centerline of East Arch Street to the centerline of Teal Lake Avenue; then northerly along the centerline of Teal Lake Avenue to the point of beginning, all as shown on the map on file with the Clerk of the city.
(Prior Code, § 206.02)