A.   Required Number Of Spaces: If any parking is provided for employees, visitors, or both, the minimum number of accessible parking spaces to be provided for handicapped persons shall be according to the current edition of the Illinois accessibility code. Accessible parking spaces to be provided for handicapped persons are as follows:
Total Off Street Parking Spaces Provided
Number Of Accessible Parking Spaces Required
Total Off Street Parking Spaces Provided
Number Of Accessible Parking Spaces Required
   1 to 25
   26 to 50
   51 to 75
   76 to 100
   101 to 150
   151 to 200
   201 to 300
   301 to 400
   401 to 500
   501 to 1,000
2 percent of total number
   Over 1,000
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
Medical facilities specializing in treatment of persons with mobility impairments
20 percent of total number
Outpatient medical facilities
10 percent of total number
(Ord. 2001-2, 6-12-2001)
Note: If only one space is provided, it must be van accessible. (Ord. 2007-16, 6-10-2008)
   B.   Location: Accessible parking spaces shall be placed on the shortest accessible route to an accessible entrance of the building. The accessible parking space shall be placed nearest an existing ramp, even if it means placing the space further from the accessible door. The ramp, however, must not be placed in an access aisle. If a curb ramp is new, both the curb ramp and the accessible parking space must be closest to the accessible entrance. (Ord. 2001-2, 6-12-2001)
   C.   General Provisions: Accessible car and van parking spaces shall comply with ICC/ANSI A177.1, chapter 5, section 502.
      1.   Vehicle Space Size: Car parking spaces shall be ninety six inches (96") (2,440 mm) minimum in width. Van parking spaces shall be one hundred thirty two inches (132") (3,350 mm) minimum in width.
         a.   Exception: Van parking spaces shall be permitted to be ninety six inches (96") (2,440 mm) minimum in width where the adjacent access aisle is ninety six inches (96") (2,440 mm) minimum in width.
Figure 502.2 Vehicle Parking Space Size
      2.   Vehicle Space Marking: Car and van parking spaces shall be marked to define the width. Where parking spaces are marked with lines, the width measurements of parking spaces and adjacent access aisles shall be made from the centerline of the markings.
      3.   Access Aisle: Car and van parking spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle complying with figure 502.4 of this section.
Figure 502.4 Parking Space Access Aisle
      4.   Location: Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route. Two (2) parking spaces shall be permitted to share a common access aisle with the access aisle on the passenger side of the van space. Access aisles shall not overlap with the vehicular way. Parking spaces shall be permitted to have access aisles placed on either side of the car or van parking space. Van parking spaces that are angled shall have access aisles located on the passenger side of the parking space.
      5.   Width: Access aisles serving car and van parking spaces shall be sixty inches (60") (1,525 mm) minimum in width.
      6.   Length: Access aisles shall extend the full length of the parking spaces they serve.
      7.   Marking: Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them. Where access aisles are marked with lines, the width measurements of access aisles and adjacent parking spaces shall be made from the centerline of the markings. (ICC/ANSI A177.1, chapter 5, 502.2-502.4.4, 2003.)
   D.   Parking Surfaces: Surfaces shall be stable, firm and slip resistant. Changes in level of surfaces shall comply with section 303 (ICC/ANSI A117.1, 2003).
   E.   Signage: Each handicapped parking space shall have a painted international symbol of accessibility on the pavement. In addition, all facilities shall mount on a permanent post, or wall, in the center of accessible parking spaces the following appropriate sign: a U.S. department of transportation R7-8 (reserved parking) sign, R7-8A (handicap parking) sign or R7-8C (van handicap parking) sign. Fines shall meet Illinois vehicle code (see subsection 9-2-3F of this code). These signs shall be posted no lower than four feet (4') aboveground and no more than five feet (5') from the front of the space. (Ord. 2007-16, 6-10-2008)