A.   Any dog running at large, at any time, within the limits of the city, and not bearing a tag or other identifying device, is hereby declared a nuisance, and shall be impounded by a representative authorized by the city council to so act at the Hancock County pound in Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois; and, as such dog running at large shall be within the jurisdiction of said county pound in Carthage and shall be disposed of accordingly.
   B.   Any dog running at large, at any time, within the limits of the city, bearing a tag issued by the city clerk, is hereby declared a nuisance and shall be restrained and impounded by a representative authorized by the city council to so act. The city shall give notice to the registered owner or keeper that said dog has been impounded by a representative authorized by the council to so act, and after said dog's impoundment at the county pound in Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois, for a period of time to be determined by the county, said dog shall be within the jurisdiction of said Hancock County pound and disposed of accordingly.
   C.   It shall be unlawful to permit any dog to be on any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place unless such dog has a collar firmly attached around his neck with a license tag for the current year attached to such collar, as well as a leash attached to said collar of sufficient size and strength to control and maintain said dog while on the public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place. (Ord. 1997-3, 10-14-1997)