Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
2011-3 | 10-6-2011 | Annexing certain territory to the city, said territory lying within the city community fire protection district, but not within any public library district |
2011-7 | 12-15-2011 | Annexing certain territory to the city, said territory lying within the city community fire protection district, but not within any public library district |
2014-3 | 4-17-2014 | Annexing 8.6 acres of territory in the city, said territory lying within the city community fire protection district, but not within any public library district, being Parcel No. 10-12-01-400-15D |
2014-8 | 9-4-2014 | Annexing two tracts of land in the city containing 16 acres, said territory lying within the city community fire protection district, but not within any public library district, being Parcel No. 95-02-13-07- 300-038D |
2015-11 | 10-15-2015 | Annexing two tracts of certain territory attached as “Exhibit A” to Ord. 2015-11, being Parcel Nos. 95-10-12-12-400-048 and 95-10-12-12-400-046 |
2016-3 | 6-16-2016 | Annexing a tract of certain territory contains 5 acres, more or less, and is shown on the amended plat of survey dated 5-23-2016 and attached to Ord. 2016-3 as the “Annexation Area,” being Parcel Nos. 10-12-14-479-001 and 10-12-14-479-003(D) |
2016-5 | 7-21-2016 | Annexing a tract of certain territory containing 2 acres, more or less, and is shown on the plat of survey attached to Ord. 2016-5 and dated 7-1-2016, as the “Annexation Area,” being Parcel No. 95-02-13-18-300-004(D) |
2017-6 | 11-2-2017 | Annexing two tracts of Patel/Gopal property (Tract A: Parcel Nos. 02-13-06-300-016(D), 02-13-06-300-017(D), 02-13-06-300-019(D), containing .16 acres, more or less) and (Tract B: Parcel No. 02-13-06-100-020(D), containing .02 acres, more or less) |
2017-7 | 11-2-2017 | Annexing tracts of Nolo Logistics LLC property (Parcel Nos. 02-13-06-300-010, 02-13-06-300-011, 02-13-06-300-012, 02-13-06-300-013, 02-13-06-300-016, 02-13-06-300-017, 02-13-06-300- 017, 02-13-06-300-019, 02-13-06-300-020) |
2017-8 | 11-2-2017 | Annexing Kirchner Properties Belleville LLC, D/B/A KPNA (Parcel No. 10-12-01-200-022) |
2018-8 | 12-20-2018 | Annexing Parcel No. 95-10-12-23-176-001(D), containing 1.3 acres, more or less |
2020-3 | 5-7-2020 | Annexing Parcel No. 02-13-07-100-011(D), containing 2.9 acres, more or less |
2021-2 | 4-1-2021 | Annexing Parcel No. 02-13-07-300-041, containing 12.02 acres, more or less |