(A)   Permitted uses. Permitted principal uses in an Agricultural District are as follows:
      (1)   Agricultural uses; provided that, raising of cattle, hogs, chickens, or other livestock shall not be located nearer than 300 feet from any lot in an R District;
      (2)   Sale of agricultural products, provided that, products sold are raised or grown on the premises;
      (3)   Single-family residences;
      (4)   Essential services as defined in § 152.012;
      (5)   Trailer parks; provided, that such park is located adjacent to and extending not more than 600 feet from a marked state or federal highway;
      (6)   Motels, provided they are located adjacent to and extend not more than 600 feet from a marked state or federal highway; and
      (7)   Country clubs, golf courses and similar recreational areas, subject to prior approval of the Planning Commission.
(1978 Code, § 17.16.010)
   (B)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses permitted in an Agricultural District include uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal use and located on the same lot as the principal use, include the following uses:
      (1)   Private garages and parking areas;
      (2)   Real estate signs of a temporary nature offering the premises for sale or rent; and
      (3)   Announcement or professional signs not exceeding four square feet in area; said signs must be located on private property, except that no sign shall be erected in such a way as to obscure vision of perpendicular oncoming traffic.
(1978 Code, § 17.16.020)
   (C)   Building height. No building in an Agricultural District shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height, except as provided in §§ 152.070 through 152.078.
(1978 Code, § 17.16.040)
   (D)   Minimum lot area; frontage, yard, and floor area. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an Agricultural District subject to the additional requirements, exceptions and modifications of §§ 152.070 through 152.078.
      (1)   Single-family residence.
         (a)   Lot area: one acre;
         (b)   Frontage: 125 feet;
         (c)   Front yard depth on marked state or federal highways: 50 feet;
         (d)   Front yard depth, all roads except state or federal marked highways: 40 feet;
         (e)   Side yard width: 40 feet total, minimum 15 feet one side;
         (f)   Rear yard depth: 75feet;
         (g)   Floor area: 900 square feet; and
         (h)   Maximum lot coverage: 10%.
      (2)   Trailer parks. Trailer park designs must be submitted to the City Planning Commission for approval before permits can be issued:
         (a)   Lot area, total trailer park, five acres;
         (b)   Front yard depth, marked state or federal highways, 50 feet;
         (c)   Front yard depth, nonmarked state or federal highways, 40 feet;
         (d)   Lot area, per trailer, 3,000 square feet; and
         (e)   Maximum lot coverage, 40%
      (3)   Agricultural Uses.
         (a)   Front yard depth, marked state or federal highways, 50 feet; and
         (b)   Front yard depth, nonmarked state or federal highways, 40 feet.
(1978 Code, § 17.16.040)
(Ord. 368, passed - -1967; Ord. 385, passed - -1968; Ord. 2009-01, passed 2-19-2009)