The subdivider/developer shall supply and/or bear the cost of supplying public utilities.
(A) Every subdivision and development shall be provided with a complete water distribution system with related appurtenances to serve the area being platted. The water distribution system facilities shall comply with the requirements of the minimum design standards.
(B) Every subdivision within city limits shall be provided with a natural gas system adequate to serve the area provided and otherwise meeting the acceptance of the City Gas Engineer.
(C) (1) In every subdivision, provisions shall be made for the satisfactory disposal of sanitary sewage in a manner to comply with the requirements of the minimum design standards and regulations of the State Environmental Protection Agency and/or State Department of Public Health and/or County Public Health Department.
(2) Where a public sanitary sewer main is within 1,000 feet of the boundary of the subdivision or development, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected into the public sanitary sewer main, including a lateral connection for each lot. Where a public sanitary sewer main is not located within the subdivision or development boundary proximity stated herein, proper provisions shall be made for the disposal of sanitary waste subject to requirements of the minimum design standards and the State Department of Public Health and/or County Public Health Department.
(D) Stubs on water and sewer services shall be extended across streets and to the lot’s property line coincidental with the street right-of-way line for each lot in the subdivision.
(E) (1) Streetlights shall be provided at each intersection of streets (or alleys) within a subdivision or development and at each cul-de-sac, but in no event shall there be less than one streetlight per 400 feet (or portion thereof) of street frontage between intersections, or between a street intersection and the terminus of a dead-end street.
(2) Additionally, in multi-family, business, and manufacturing zoning districts, street lighting shall be provided within parking areas at a minimum rate of one light for each 25 parking spaces or any fraction thereof. The design and installation of the streetlight system in every subdivision and development shall be reviewed by the Municipal Engineer and the appropriate electric utility company.
(3) The lighting intensity of each streetlight shall be equivalent, as a minimum, to a 175-watt lamp or 6,800-mercury luminary lamp. Each streetlight standard shall be at least 16 feet high.
(4) The subdivider shall contact the City Utilities Superintendent to engage Illinois Power to install said streetlights. The subdivider shall then reimburse the city for its costs incurred in said installation.
(F) Underground service connections to the property line of each platted lot, at the option of the subdivider/developer, shall be installed at the expense of the subdivider/developer; provided, that on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the requirement for service connections to each lot may be waived in the case of adjoining lots to be retained in single ownership.
(1978 Code, § 16.28.040) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)