(A)   Streets shall be graded to full width and constructed in accord with requirements indicated in the minimum design standards. The construction of curb and gutter in front of any lot in the subdivision must also be completed.
   (B)   Sidewalks of such width and type of construction as indicated in the minimum design standards shall be constructed at the following locations:
      (1)   On at least one side of the street in residential zoning districts where residential density is between two and four dwelling units per acre, and if required by the Planning Commission to enhance pedestrian traffic and safety in indus trial/manufacturing zoning districts;
      (2)   On both sides of the street in residential zoning districts where residential density is four or more dwelling units per net acre;
      (3)   Along collector streets, near schools, and in shopping areas and similar public places;
      (4)   On both sides of the street in commercial and business zoning districts; or
      (5)   As each subdivider/developer requests, based on concurrence with the Planning Commission.
(1978 Code, § 16.28.030) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)