(A)   All of the improvements required under this subchapter and the minimum design standards shall be constructed under contract accepted by the municipal Municipal Engineer and Municipal Attorney in respect to construction details and periodic observations by representatives of the municipality of the improvements to be installed, and shall be completed prior to the filing with the Planning Commission of the final or record plat and request for final acceptance.
   (B)   In lieu of completing the required improvements as indicated herein and in the minimum design standards, the subdivider/developer shall furnish to the Planning Commission a surety bond, sufficient to cover the cost of any or all of the improvements required to be installed by the sub divider/developer, based on an estimate of cost accepted by the Municipal Engineer, thereby to secure the actual construction and installation of such required improvements within one year after the final acceptance of the final plat, subject to extension by the Commission.
(1978 Code, § 16.28.020) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)