(A)   The layout shall conform to the official map adopted by the municipality.
      (1)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided embraces any part of a highway, primary or secondary thoroughfare, or collector street, so designated on the official map, such part of such public way shall be platted by the sub divider/developer in the location at the width indicated on the map.
      (2)   Where a proposed park, playground ,or other recreational area, proposed school site, or other public grounds, shown on the adopted official map is located in whole or in part within the proposed subdivision, such proposed public ground or part, if not dedicated to the municipality, school board, or Park Board or other public agency should be designated for such public purpose upon acceptance of the preliminary plat.
      (3)   Where such land designated for public purposes appears on the final plat, the responsible public agency shall purchase such land or begin condemnation proceedings to purchase such land within one year from the date of acceptance of the final plat by the municipality.
   (B)   Where considered desirable by the subdivider/developer and held appropriate by the Planning Commission, open spaces suitably located and of adequate size for parks, playgrounds, or other recreational purposes for local or neighborhood use shall be provided for in the design of the proposed subdivision, and, if not dedicated to the public and accepted by the public agency, may be reserved for the common use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision by covenant of the deeds.
(1978 Code, § 16.24.020) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)