(A) After required improvements have been installed and accepted by the municipality, or surety bond filed, in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter, six black line or blue line prints and also the original tracing prepared on new polyester-base film with water-proof black ink on a drawing no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches of the final or record plat of the subdivision, or of any plat of a larger subdivision, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission with formal request for acceptance.
(B) The final plat shall be drawn at the scale of 100 feet or less to the inch, and shall clearly show the following features and information:
(1) Accurate metes and bounds legal description of the property, including reference to the section, township and range, section lines, and corners, quarter-sections lines;
(2) All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to one-hundredths of a foot and bearings or angles to nearest second based on an accurate survey in the field closing with an error of closure of not more than one foot in 10,000 feet;
(3) The exact locations and the widths along the property lines of all existing or recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract;
(4) Bearing and distance to nearest established street bounds, other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments must be located or accurately described on the plat. Any established survey or corporation lines shall be accurately monument-marked and located on the plat, and their names shall be lettered on them;
(5) The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments. Such monuments should be concrete cylinders or rectangular prisms, not less than four inches in diameter or square, and 24 inches long, located at extreme corners of the subdivision. Other markers should be steel rods not less than three-fourths inch in diameter and 24 inches long, located at all street corners, at all points where street lines intersect the plat boundary lines and at angle points and points of curve in each street; and shall be one-half inch square iron pins, 24 inches in length, at all lot corners;
(6) The exact layout including:
(a) Street and alley lines; their names, bearings, angles of intersection, and width (including widths along the line of any obliquely-intersecting street);
(b) The lengths of all arcs; radii, points of curvature, and tangent bearings;
(c) All easements or rights-of-way, when provided for or owned by public services (with the limitation and covenants of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat); and
(d) All lot lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths, and with bearings or angles to nearest second if other than right angles to the street and alley lines.
(7) Lots numbered in numerical order, and blocks also numbered in numerical order;
(8) The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose indicated thereon;
(9) Front yard setback building lines as established by the zoning ordinance. Lines of future streets shown on the official map and those setback lines stipulated in deed restrictions shall also be shown;
(10) Private restrictions, if any:
(a) Boundaries of each type of use restriction; or
(b) Other private restrictions for each definitely restricted section of the subdivision.
(11) Name of the subdivision and name or number of the largest subdivision or tract of which the tract being subdivided forms a part;
(12) Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions, with reference to recorded plats of adjoining platted land by record name, plat book, and page number;
(13) Names and addresses of the owner or owners of record, the subdivider, and of the registered state land surveyor who prepared the plat;
(14) The certificates stated in Appendix A shall be executed on the final plat;
(15) North point, scale, and date (It is preferable that north be up or to the right on the drawing.); and
(16) Other certificates, required by law, including certificate of title showing ownership of the tract of land included in the subdivision.
(1978 Code, § 16.20.010) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)