(A) If the Planning Commission has accepted a preliminary plat, the governing body of the municipality, by resolution, shall either accept or not accept such plat within 30 days after their next regularly scheduled meeting following the Planning Commission’s action.
(B) If the governing body of the municipality does not accept the preliminary plat, its resolution shall specify the aspects in which the proposed preliminary plat fails to comply with this subchapter and/or the official map. The municipal Clerk shall attach a certified copy of the municipality’s acceptance or nonacceptance to the proposed preliminary plat.
(C) One copy of the resolution and preliminary plat shall be retained by the Clerk, one copy shall be filed with the municipality’s Zoning Administrator, and one copy shall be returned to the sub divider/developer. Acceptance by the governing body of the municipality shall not qualify a preliminary plat for recording.
(1978 Code, § 16.16.070) (Ord. 96-11, passed - -1996)