(A)   Any abutting property owner who wishes to install or replace curb and gutter, sidewalks, or storm sewer on a city street shall follow the following procedure.
      (1)   The property owner shall make application with the City Clerk providing all pertinent information concerning the installation or replacement.
      (2)   The proposed installation or replacement must be approved by the city prior to starting construction.
      (3)   After approval by the city, the property owner shall install or replace the approved curb and gutter or sidewalks upon such terms or conditions as may have been required by the Superintendent of Streets or City Engineer and shall pay all costs thereof in full. The city will install the approved storm sewer at its cost after the abutting property owner has purchased the storm sewer pipe and has had it delivered to the construction site.
      (4)   The city will pay for all of its engineering costs in connection with proposed installations or replacements under this subchapter.
   (B)   Upon completion of the installation or replacement in accordance with all terms and conditions as required by the city and proof of payment in full of all costs in connection with the installation or replacement, the City Clerk will rebate to said abutting property owners as follows:
      (1)   Forty percent of the actual cost of the curb and gutter;
      (2)   Forty percent of the actual cost of the sidewalk; and
      (3)   Forty percent of the purchase price of the storm sewer.
(1978 Code, § 12.04.140) (Ord. 484, passed - -1976)