(A) The subgrade and forms shall have been checked and approved by the city before the concrete is placed. The concrete shall be placed on a moist subgrade, deposited to the proper depth, tamped, and spaded sufficiently to bring the mortar to the surface, after which it shall be finished smooth and even by means of a wooden float. Before the concrete is given final finishing, the surface of the gutter shall be checked with a straightedge and any irregularities of more than one quarter-inch in ten feet shall be eliminated.
(B) It is permissible to construct such curb and gutter in continuous operation with expansion joints placed as directed in division (C) below.
(C) Vertical construction joints spaced at not to exceed approximately 20-foot intervals shall be constructed between expansion joints and shall be formed by steel division plates which shall be removed after the concrete has taken its initial set; or such curb and gutter may be laid in sections eight feet in length, with properly shaped templates or rigid material being used for strike-off boards.
(D) The curb shall be depressed across alleys and private driveways as shown on the cross-section drawing on file in the office of the Superintendent of Streets.
(1978 Code, § 12.04.070) (Ord. 104, passed - -1927; Ord. 224, passed - -1944)