(A)   Prohibited parking locations are as follows (R7 series signs).
On eastbound Adams
From Kaskaskia to Mill (no parking this side, two signs)
On eastbound Adams
From Washington to ___ feet west of Kaskaskia (no parking this side, two signs)
On eastbound Belleville
From west of Washington to Washington (no parking here to corner)
On eastbound Elm
From 156 feet west of West Court to West Court (no parking here to corner)
On eastbound Walnut
From 44 feet east of Buhram to 177 feet east of Buhrman (no parking during church services, two signs)
On northbound Washington
From Adams to Illinois Route 15 (no parking this side, two signs) 114-5
On southbound West Court
Of alley (no parking in alley)
On the north side of West St. Louis Street
South of 225 West St. Louis Street, and east of the driveway into a parking lot for the businesses currently occupied by Washington County Title & Abstract Company, Car Quest, and Tim’s Tire Time (eliminates the westerly one existing parking space immediately east of said driveway - marked with a yellow painted curb)
On westbound 1st Street
From 143 feet east of Kaskaskia to 78 feet
On westbound Adams
From Kaskaskia to ___ feet west of Kaskaskia (no parking, two signs)
On westbound Elm Street
From 180 feet east of East Court to East Court (no parking here to corner)
(1978 Code, § 10.24.080)
   (B)   Any motor vehicle operator violating the provisions of this schedule shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as set forth in § 10.99.
(1978 Code, § 10.24.120)
(Ord. 602, passed - -1986; Ord. 2010-9, passed 10-21-2010)