(a)   Leave of Absence In General
(1)   Application
The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to full-time regular employees. This Chapter shall, unless otherwise stated, also apply to members or officers of the appointing authority, except members of city council and the mayor.
(2)   Authorization of unpaid leave
The authorization of a leave of absence without pay is a matter of administrative discretion. The City shall decide in each individual case if a leave of absence is to be granted, within the limitations of this Code.
(3)   Sick Leave Credit and Vacation Credit
An employee on leave of absence without pay does not earn sick leave or vacation credit. However, the time spent on authorized unpaid leave of absence is to be counted in determining length of service for purpose of calculating vacation eligibility or other purposes where seniority is a factor, unless otherwise stated to the contrary in other applicable ordinance or resolution.
(4)   Falsification of Leave
Any leave of absence obtained through false representation, deceit, or fraud may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
(5)   Reinstatement From Leave
Upon completion of a leave of absence, the employee is to be returned to the position formerly occupied, or to a similar position if the employee's former position no longer exists. Any replacement in the position while an employee is on leave is to be on a temporary basis.
(b)   Court Leave
Court leave with pay will be granted to an employee who is summoned and required to appear for jury duty by the United States, the State of Ohio, or a political subdivision during regular working hours. Court leave with pay will be granted to any employee subpoenaed and required to appear as a plaintiff, defendant, or witness in a criminal or civil matter related to City business so long as the action in controversy is not a controversy between the City and the employee so appearing.
Employees will not be entitled to court leave when appearing in court for criminal or civil cases being heard in connection with the employee's personal matters, such as traffic court, divorce proceedings, custody, appearing as directed with juvenile, etc. Such absences may be charged to leave without pay, vacation or other accumulated compensable time upon approval of the employee's supervisor.
Employees shall honor any subpoena issued to them including those for Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Compensation.
Employees are expected to report for work if, after court or jury duty responsibilities are met, two (2) hours or more of the employee's regularly scheduled shift remains.
All moneys received as compensation, unless jury duty was served totally outside of regular working hours, shall be turned over to the City.
(c)   Temporary Disability Leave
Temporary disability leave shall be considered, subject to qualification, under the pregnancy and temporary disability leave policy of the City as contained in the City’s Employment Policy Manual.
(d)   Injury Leave
Injury leave shall be considered, subject to qualification, under worker’s compensation or the FMLA or pregnancy and temporary disability leave policies of the City as contained in the City’s Employment Policy Manual.
(e)   Reinstatement after Injury or after Leave Due to Injury
(1)   General.
An employee who is absent due to Injury Leave as defined in the Section (Injury Leave), or who has been separated from service due to injury or physical disability incurred in the performance of duty, will be considered for reinstatement only through the reinstatement application process, provided that such application shall be filed not later than the earliest of the following:
    •   Twenty four (24) months after the injury occurred; or,
   •   Twelve (12) months after leave from service under the provisions of this Chapter; or,
   •   The date of service eligibility retirement.
(2)   Payment of Accumulated Sick Leave after Injury
Except for part-time, permanent employees, any employee who is permanently separated from City service due to a service related disability compensated by the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation or the appropriate Retirement System Fund, as a result of a bodily injury received in the line of duty, shall receive a lump sum payment for one-half (1/2) of his/her accumulated but unused sick leave. Such lump sum payment shall reduce the employee's sick leave credit to zero. If the one-half (1/2) lump sum payment has not been made before the employee dies, the designated beneficiary of any employee who dies as a proximate result of such an injury shall receive payment for the full balance of the accumulated but unused sick leave.
(f)   Military Leave
All employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard, the Ohio Defense Corps, the Naval Militia, or members of other reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States are entitled to leave of absence from their respective duties without loss of pay for such time not to exceed a total of thirty-one (31) days in any one (1) calendar year. If while on active duty the employee's total gross wages are less than what they earn in City employment, the City will pay the employee the salary difference. If while on active duty the employee's total gross military wages are equal to or greater than what they earn in gross wages through City employment, the employee will not receive any salary reimbursement from the City.
•   The employee is required to submit to his/her supervisor an order or statement from the appropriate military commander as evidence of such duty. There is no requirement that the service be in one (1) continuous period of time. The maximum number of hours for which payment may be made in any one (1) calendar year under this provision is one hundred seventy six (176) hours. Compensation received for the above purposes, not to exceed one hundred seventy six (176) hours, shall be submitted to the city finance director upon return from such duty, or as soon as possible. The city finance director will give the employee a receipt for the same.
•   Employees who have worked for the City for at least thirty (30) calendar days will be granted a leave of absence without pay to be inducted or to otherwise enter military service. They are not paid for such leave unless they are members of reserve components as specified in the first paragraph of this Section.
•   An appointment may be made to fill a vacancy created when an employee enters military service. However, if the person filling such a vacancy also enters military service he/she may be reinstated to the position after completion of service only if the first employee (the original incumbent) fails to apply to reinstatement within ninety (90) days of discharge or made written waiver of all rights to the position.
   •   An employee who voluntarily re-enlists while on active duty or a commissioned officer who voluntarily enters into extended duty beyond that required upon accepting a commission, is not eligible for reinstatement.
•   Employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard will be granted emergency leave for mob, riot, flood, civil defense, or similar duties when so ordered by the Governor or assist civil authorities. Such leave will be without pay if it exceeds authorized paid military leave for the year. This leave will cover the official period of the emergency.
   •   Except for veterans that voluntarily re-enlist while on active duty or who voluntarily enters into extended duty beyond that required, a veteran separated or discharged under honorable conditions must in order to be reinstated, make application for re-employment to the former position within ninety (90) days from the date of release from service, or within ninety (90) days after release from hospitalization due to in service injury or illness which has not exceeded a period of more than one (1) year.
   The following procedure will apply:
   •   A copy of a discharge or certificate of service must accompany all requests for reinstatement or reappointment;
   •   If a proper copy of discharge or certification is in order, reinstatement shall be accomplished within thirty (30) days after application is received by the appointing authority;
   •   Any change in classification or pay range which would have accrued to the position if the employee had been on the job shall apply.
(g)   Unpaid Personal Leave
Any unpaid personal leave of absence requested must be submitted to the department head and approved by the appointing authority or his/her designated representative at least three (3) working days prior to the start of such leave. Unless otherwise specified, unpaid personal leave of absence is without benefits. Unpaid personal leave of absence, if approved, shall not exceed thirty (30) day intervals, and unless otherwise specified, shall be granted or denied at the discretion of the appointing authority or his/her designated representative.
Unpaid personal leaves of absences will generally not be granted for the purpose of working elsewhere, which includes self employment.
(Ord. 042-14. Passed 8-4-14.)
(h)   Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
FMLA leave shall be as contained in the City’s Employment Policy Manual.
(Ord. 035-22. Passed 7-18-22.)