The following districts are hereby established primarily to accommodate enterprises engaged in the manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, merchandise, or equipment:
I-1, and,
   The limitations in the I-1 District are more restrictive than those in the I-2 District.
   (a)   The I-1 ENCLOSED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT is intended as one in which manufacturing, fabricating, processing, repairing, dismantling, storing, or disposing of equipment, raw materials, or manufactured products is conducted entirely within enclosed buildings. Screening, meeting the same requirements as found in Section 723.03 of the City’s Codified Ordinances, regardless of the type of facility or operations, of storage, parking (employee parking excluded), and loading areas is essential in this district as it is usually located adjacent to residential areas and may serve as a buffer between the I-2 OPEN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT and commercial or residential districts.
   (b)   The I-2 OPEN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT is intended as one in which the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, repairing, dismantling, storing, or disposing of equipment, raw materials, or manufactured products may be conducted in the open or within a building enclosure.
      (Ord. 074-10. Passed 12-20-10.)