   The City may sell, lease, exchange or option any real property or personal property belonging to it, without advertisement and without the receipt of competitive bids, pursuant to legislation approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the current members of Council authorizing the same and pursuant to a finding by the officer, board or department having supervision or management of such property that it is no longer needed for any municipal purpose, to the United States of America, to the State, to any subdivision, agency or department of the United States or the State, or to any not-for-profit corporation or other entity organized and operated for a public or charitable purpose, upon such terms and conditions as Council may decide.
(1978 Code 37.07)
   The City may sell, lease, exchange or option any real property or personal property belonging to it, without advertisement and without the receipt of competitive bids, pursuant to legislation approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the current members of Council authorizing the same and pursuant to a finding by the officer, board or department having supervision or management of such property that it is no longer needed for any municipal purpose, upon determination by Council that it is in the best interest of the City to do so and upon such terms and conditions as Council may decide. The fact that such advertising and competitive bidding are being eliminated and the reason why it is in the best interest of the City to do so shall be stated in the legislation authorizing such action.
(1978 Code 37.08)
   (a)   Sale of City’s Personal Property at Auction. Notwithstanding the other provisions of the City Code, the City Manager, Finance Director or Law Director is hereby jointly and severally authorized to sell at public auction, from time to time each year, whenever deemed necessary by the Director(s) and without the prior approval of Council, personal property of the City as to their respective department and may secure the services of a licensed and bonded auctioneer to conduct the sale or in lieu thereof, conduct such sale by utilizing Internet or electronic auction resources. When utilizing Internet or electronic auction resources, all alternate methods of sale offered by the selected Internet or electronic auction resource are authorized. The City Manager, Finance Director and Law Director for their respective departments are authorized to make the determination of what constitutes property no longer needed for a municipal purpose for the purpose of this sale.
   (b)   Sale of City’s Personal Property Under $1,000. Notwithstanding the other provisions of the City Code, personal property no longer needed for a municipal purpose having a value of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) within a City department may be sold by the applicable director without the necessity of approval of Council, and without utilizing the proposal method of sale and/or competitive bidding. The City Manager, Finance Director and Law Director are authorized to make the determination of what constitutes property no longer needed for a municipal purpose for purpose of this sale.
   (c)   Trade-In of Vehicles, Equipment and Machinery. Notwithstanding the other provisions of the City Code, the City Manager, Finance Director or City Law Director may, without prior approval of Council, trade in old vehicles, equipment, machinery, or other personal property, regardless of value, on the purchase of new vehicles, equipment, machinery, or other personal property for their respective departments.
(Ord. 082-06. Passed 9-5-06.)
   (a)    Notwithstanding any law to the contrary as may be found in the Ohio Revised Code, the procedure set forth in this section shall be one procedure for the Electric Department to sell scrap wire accumulated by it and no longer needed for any municipal purpose; however, not the exclusive procedure. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to limit the City’s authority to dispose of the scrap wire or other miscellaneous scrap in the same manner as any other personal property as otherwise provided for in this chapter or in a manner as proscribed by policy as implemented by the City Manager and the Electric Distribution Superintendent when consented to by the City Finance Director.
   (b)    Whenever the Electric Distribution Superintendent determines that a sufficient supply of such scrap wire has accumulated to warrant a sale thereof, he or she shall give notice thereof to the Finance Director, together with a reasonably accurate description of such scrap wire.
   (c)    Upon receipt of such notice, the Finance Director shall advertise for bids to sell such scrap wire for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all irregularities and informalities therein. The City shall not be obligated to proceed with the sale of such scrap wire in the event that any bid is rejected or any contract is not awarded.
   (d)    Upon acceptance of the highest and best bid by motion of Council, the City Manager shall enter into a written contract with such highest and best bidder for the sale of such scrap wire, such contract to include other necessary or advisable provisions as recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Law Director.
(Ord. 054-11. Passed 9-6-11.)