(A)   Vehicle parking; minimum standards by use. The minimum number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with one of the following procedures:
      (1)   Pursuant to the standards in Table 153.172;
      (2)   Pursuant to a parking demand analysis prepared by a qualified professional and subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission. Such demand analysis must consider average parking demands for existing and proposed uses on the subject site, opportunities for shared parking (parking agreement) with other uses in the vicinity, existing public parking in the vicinity and potential carpool or private shuttle usage; or
      (3)   Where a use is not specifically listed in Table 153.172, parking requirements shall be determined by finding that a use is similar to one of those listed in Table 153.172 in terms of parking demand, or by estimating parking needs individually using the demand analysis option described in division (A)(2) above.
   (B)   Exception for Commercial Core. There is no minimum number of required off-street parking spaces for uses within the Commercial Core, as defined in § 153.157(B)(1). The Planning Commission may permit such uses to expand without adding parking, upon finding that the expansion does not unduly impact an adjacent residential use or pose a hazard to public health or safety.
   (C)   Exception for existing uses. There is no minimum number of required off-street parking spaces for existing uses lawfully established as of February 3, 2012. The Planning Commission may permit such uses to expand without adding parking, upon finding that the expansion does not unduly impact an adjacent residential use or pose a hazard to public health or safety.
Table 153.172 - Minimum Required Parking by Use
Use Categories (Examples of uses and definitions are in Chapter 5.)
Minimum Parking per Land Use (fractions rounded down to the closest whole number)
Table 153.172 - Minimum Required Parking by Use
Use Categories (Examples of uses and definitions are in Chapter 5.)
Minimum Parking per Land Use (fractions rounded down to the closest whole number)
Commercial Categories
Bed and breakfast inn
2 spaces per use; additional parking may be required by the city through the conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Drive-up/drive-in/drive-through (drive-up windows, kiosks, ATMs, similar uses/facilities)
No requirement. See special use requirements in §§ 153.021 through 153.023
Educational services, not a school (e.g., tutoring or similar services)
1 space per 400 sq. ft. floor area
Entertainment, major event
Per conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
1 space per 2 beds
Hotels, motels and similar uses
1 spaces for every 2 guest rooms
1 space per 150 floor space
Offices, including banks
1 space per 400 sq. ft. floor area
Outdoor recreation, commercial
per conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Quick vehicle servicing or vehicle repair
2 spaces plus vehicle queuing space, or per conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Retail sales and commercial service (see also drive-up uses)
Health clubs, gyms, continuous entertainment (e.g., bowling alleys): 1 space per 300 sq. ft.
Restaurants and bars: 1 space per 300 sq. ft. floor area
Retail: 1 space per 500 sq. ft. floor area
Theaters and cinemas: 1 per 6 seats
Self-service storage
2 spaces, plus adequate space for loading/unloading
Surface parking lot, when not accessory to a permitted use
per conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Industrial Categories
Industrial service
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area
Manufacturing and production
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area; or as required by conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Industrial Categories
Warehouse and freight movement
0.5 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area; or as required by conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
As required by conditional use permit review (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Wholesale sales, e.g., building materials, heavy equipment, agricultural supplies or products and similar wholesale goods
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Institutional Categories
Basic utilities
Parking based on applicant’s projected parking demand, subject to city approval
Community service, including government offices and services
Parking based on applicant’s projected parking demand, subject to city approval
Daycare, adult or child daycare including family daycare
1 space per employee
Parks and open space
Parking based on projected parking demand
Religious institutions and houses of worship
1 space per 75 sq. ft. of main assembly area; or as required by conditional use permit (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Parking based on projected parking demand, subject to city approval
Other Categories
Accessory uses (with a permitted use)
Parking based on applicant’s projected parking demand, subject to city approval
Agriculture, including, but not limited to, nurseries and similar horticulture
See retail sales and wholesale, as applicable
Radio frequency transmission facilities
None, except as required by conditional use permit (§§ 153.265 through 153.268)
Temporary uses
Parking based on applicant’s projected parking demand, subject to city approval
Transportation facilities (operation, maintenance, preservation and construction)
None, except for park-and-ride facilities; and where temporary parking is required for construction staging areas
Residential Categories
Household living
Accessory dwelling (second dwelling on a single-family lot)
2 spaces total for primary dwelling and accessory dwelling
4 spaces per duplex (2 spaces per dwelling unit)
Group living, such as nursing or convalescent homes, rest homes, assisted living, congregate care and similar special needs housing
0.5 space per 4 bedrooms, except the Planning Commission may require more or less parking based on the presence of on-street parking and/or the expectation that residents drive, or where owner provides shuttle service for residents
1 space per studio or 1-bedroom unit
1.5 spaces/unit per 2-bedroom unit
2 spaces/unit per 3-bedroom or larger unit
Single-family dwelling, including manufactured homes on lots
2 spaces per dwelling
   (D)   General parking standards.
      (1)   Location. Motorized vehicle parking is allowed only on streets with an improved paved shoulder of sufficient width, within garages, carports and other structures, or on driveways or parking lots that have been developed in conformance with this chapter. The special use standards in §§ 153.021 through 153.023 control the location of parking for some uses, and §§ 153.140 through 153.142 provides design standards for new driveways and pedestrian walkways through parking areas.
      (2)   Mixed-use projects. If more than one type of land use occupies a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street automobile parking shall be the sum of the requirements for all uses, unless it can be shown that the peak parking demands are actually less (i.e., the uses operate on different days or at different times of the day). The Planning Commission may adjust the total parking standard for mixed-use projects pursuant to the parking demand analysis procedure in division (A) above.
      (3)   Parking area lighting. Lighting at levels appropriate for pedestrian safety shall be provided over parking areas and walkways. Light standards shall be directed downward only and shielded to prevent lighting spillover into any adjacent residential district or use. See also § 153.159.
      (4)   Screening of parking areas. Parking spaces shall be located or screened so that headlights do not shine onto adjacent residential uses. See also §§ 153.157 and 153.158.
      (5)   Accessibility. Parking shall be provided for those disabilities in accordance with applicable building codes (the Americans with Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.) requirements.
      (6)   Maintenance. All parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner and kept in good condition and repair.
   (E)   Shared parking. Required parking facilities for two or more uses, structures or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking facilities used jointly, to the extent that the owners or operators show that the need for parking facilities does not materially overlap (e.g., uses primarily of a daytime versus nighttime nature; weekday uses versus weekend uses) and provided that the right of joint use is evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, contract or similar written instrument establishing the joint use. Shared parking requests shall be subject to review and approval through site plan review.
   (F)   Off-site parking. Except for single-family dwellings, the vehicle parking spaces required by this subchapter may be located on another parcel of land, provided the parcel is within 400 feet of the use it serves and the Planning Commission has approved the off-site parking through site plan review. The distance from the parking area to the use shall be measured from the nearest parking space to a building entrance, following a sidewalk or other pedestrian route. The right to use the off-site parking must be evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, easement or similar written instrument.
   (G)   Parking stall design and minimum dimensions. Where a new off-street parking area is proposed, or an existing off-street parking areas is proposed for expansion, the entire parking area shall be improved in conformance with this chapter. At a minimum the parking spaces and drive aisles shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or a city-approved material allowing for stormwater infiltration (e.g., pavers, porous concrete, grass concrete blocks and the like); provided, that the Americans With Disabilities Act requirements are met. Parking areas shall generally conform to the minimum dimensions in Figure 153.172 and Table 153.172. All off-street parking areas shall contain wheel stops, perimeter curbing, bollards or other edging as required to prevent vehicles from damaging buildings or encroaching into walkways, landscapes or the public right-of-way. Parking areas shall also provide for surface water management, pursuant to § 153.189.
   (H)   Exceptions and adjustments to parking area dimensions. The dimensions in division (F) above are minimum standards. The Planning Commission may adjust the dimensions through site plan review based on evidence that a particular use will generate vehicles that require more or less maneuvering area.
   Figure 153.172 - Parking Area Minimum Dimensions
Table 153.172 - Parking Area Minimum Dimensions*
Standard space
Parking Angle (degrees )
Curb Length
Stall Depth
Aisle Width
Bay Width
Stripe Length
Single D1
Double D2
One-Way A1
Two-Way A2
One-Way B1
Two-Way B2
*See also §§ 153.035 through 153.046 for parking location requirements related to multi-family and commercial land uses; §§ 153.140 through 153.142 for driveway standards; and §§ 153.155 through 153.159 for requirements related to landscaping, screening, fences, walls and outdoor lighting.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)