(A)   Purpose. This section contains development standards for the Water (W) Zone, consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and the Coquille River estuary management plan. The W Zone contains one district, designated “conservation.” Uses and activities must conform to the purpose of that conservation district, which is to manage this area for long-term uses of renewable resources that do not require major alteration of the estuary, except for the purposes of restoration.
   (B)   Permitted uses and activities. The following uses and activities are permitted:
      (1)   Undeveloped, low-intensity, water-dependent recreation, boat ramps or public use where no dredging or fill for navigational access is needed;
      (2)   Research and educational observations;
      (3)   Navigational aids and communication facilities;
      (4)   Protection of habitat, nutrient, fish, wildlife and aesthetic resources, active restoration of fish and wildlife habitat or water quality and estuarine enhancement;
      (5)   Passive restoration measures;
      (6)   Riprap for protection of uses existing as of October 7, 1977, unique natural resources, historical and archeological values and public facilities;
      (7)   Bridge crossings, their support structures and dredging necessary for their installation;
      (8)   Aquaculture that does not involve dredge or fill or other estuarine alteration other than incidental dredging for harvest of benthic species or removable in-water structures such as stakes or racks;
      (9)   Boat ramps for public use where not dredging or fill for navigational access is needed; and
      (10)   Pipelines, cables and utility crossings, including incidental dredging necessary for their installation, except as otherwise restricted under § 153.023(A).
   (C)   Conditional uses and activities. Minor navigational improvements are allowed subject to approval of a conditional use permit under §§ 153.265 through 153.268.
   (D)   Special provisions.
      (1)   Policies 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 contained in the estuarine resources element of the city’s comprehensive plan are included herein by reference and made a part of this chapter.
      (2)   All uses in the Water Zone shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and nothing in this section is to be construed as modifying or superseding those authorities.
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)