New multiple family developments (projects consisting of three or more dwelling units on a lot, excluding upper-story housing in commercial buildings) shall conform to all of the following standards, which are intended to promote livability for residents and compatibility with nearby uses. Figures 153.043(a) and 153.043(b) provide conceptual illustrations of the requirements listed below.
(A) Purpose. The following standards are intended to ensure that multi-family developments are planned with adequate open space and are designed to prevent conflicts between residential uses, on-site recreation and vehicle circulation and parking areas. Design standards that orient multi-family dwellings with visibility of adjacent streets, walkways and yards also support crime prevention through natural surveillance of such areas.
(B) Applicability. This section applies to new multi-family developments.
(1) Building orientation.
(a) Multi-family buildings shall generally orient to a public street or shall orient to an internal driveway containing a separated or raised walkway connecting each dwelling unit entrance to the parking area, any on-site recreation areas and the street right-of-way.
(b) Parking areas, to the extent practicable, shall not be placed between residences and adjacent streets, but instead should be oriented internally to the development site as generally depicted in the following exhibits.
(2) Common open space and landscaping. A minimum of 20% of the site area in the R Districts and 10% of the site area in the CR District shall be designated and permanently reserved as common area or open space, in accordance with all of the following criteria.
(a) For the purpose of this division (B)(2),
SITE AREA is defined as the subject lot or lots after subtracting any required dedication of street right-of-way.
(b) The common area or open space shall contain one or more of the following: outdoor recreation area; tree grove (e.g., existing mature trees); turf play fields or playgrounds; sports courts; swim pool; walking fitness course; natural area with picnic benches; or similar open space amenities as appropriate for the intended residents.
(c) In order to be counted as eligible toward the minimum open space area, such areas shall have dimensions of not less than 20 feet.
(d) Open space and common areas not otherwise developed with recreational facilities shall be landscaped; alternatively, the Planning Commission may approve a tree preservation plan (retain mature tree groves) in lieu of landscaping.
(3) Private open space. Private open space areas shall be required for dwelling units based on the following criteria.
(a) A minimum of 40% of all ground-floor dwelling units shall have front or rear patios or decks containing at least 48 square feet of usable area. For the purpose of this division (B)(3),
GROUND-FLOOR HOUSING means the housing unit entrance (front or rear) is within five feet of the finished ground elevation (i.e., after grading and landscaping).
(b) A minimum of 40% of all upper-floor housing units shall have balconies or porches containing at least 48 square feet of usable area. For the purpose of this division (B)(3)(b),
UPPER-FLOOR HOUSING means housing units that are more than five feet above the finished grade.
(4) Trash receptacles. Trash receptacles shall be oriented away from building entrances, setback at least ten feet from any public right-of-way and adjacent residences and shall be screened with an evergreen hedge or solid fence or wall of not less than six feet in height. Receptacles must be accessible to trash pick-up trucks.
Figure 153.043(a) Acceptable Site Plan
Figure 153.043(b) Unacceptable Site Plan
(Ord. 1267, passed 1-3-2012)