(A)   No person shall allow, cause, create, permit or suffer a nuisance affecting public safety on private or public property.
   (B)   The following are not exclusive but illustrative of nuisances affecting public safety and may be abated as provided in this chapter:
      (1)   Woodpiles, wood, lumber, rocks, bricks, blocks or metal within the streets or alleys or upon the sidewalks or planting strips for a period of time longer than 24 hours after placement of such material without first obtaining a permit from the City Council;
      (2)   A container with compartment of more than one cubic foot capacity with a door or lid that locks or fastens automatically when closed that cannot be easily opened from the inside, maintained or left in a place accessible to children;
      (3)   A well, cistern, cesspool, excavation or other hole of a depth of four feet or more and a top width of 12 inches or more uncovered, not fenced or without a suitable protective construction;
      (4)   Unguarded machinery, equipment or other devices appealing, dangerous and accessible to children;
      (5)   Lumber, logs or piling placed or stored in a manner to be appealing, dangerous and accessible to children;
      (6)   Excavations remaining open for an unreasonable amount of time without erecting proper safeguards or barriers;
      (7)   A building that has been found to be a dangerous building per §§ 150.30 through 150.40; and/or
      (8)   A derelict building which is without lawful occupant and which is insufficiently secured against the intrusion of flora, fauna or unlawful trespass.
(Ord. 1282, passed 9-4-2018) Penalty, see § 90.999