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(Planning Commission recommendation within 60 days of filing and Township Board action within 90 days of filing.) | ||||
Subdivider files* preliminary plat for tentative approval. Clerk collects fees. | Placed on agenda of next Planning Commission meeting. Submit copies to Engineer and Planner for review. | Planning Commission reviews: - Lot sizes - Lot layout - Street layout - Utilities - Land use - Design standards | Planning Commission recommends: - Approval - Conditional Approval; or - Denial | Township Board grants tentative approval or rejects plat |
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Subdivider files* preliminary plat for final approval, list of authorities in Public Act 288 of 1967, §§ 111 through 119, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.111 through 560.119, and pays fees | Planning Commission reviews and recommends approval, conditional approval or denial within 30 days of filing | Township Board at next meeting or within 20 days after receipt of approved plats: approve or reject |
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Subdivider submits* final plat and pays fees | Township Board within 20 days or next meeting - approves or - rejects |
* Each submission must be on proper application forms furnished by the township.
(Ord. 9b, passed 6-8-1988)