5.18.080 Outcall massage.
   Outcall massage may be performed pursuant to compliance with all of the following requirements:
   A.   A massage establishment or massage accessory use business permitted to perform outcall massage services must obtain an outcall massage permit. A copy of the outcall massage permit shall be posted at the massage establishment or massage accessory use business.
   B.   Any massage performed at an outcall massage location must be booked by a massage establishment or massage accessory use business. Massage therapists shall not perform any massage at any location other than the location booked by the massage establishment or massage accessory use business with which the massage therapist is affiliated.
   C.   No massage business will be permitted to operate solely as an outcall massage service.
   D.   Outcall massage services may comprise no more than forty percent (40%) of the annual proceeds generated by a massage establishment or massage accessory use.
   E.   No outcall massage may be performed at a commercial establishment, other than at the patron’s own place of business.
   F.   Any violation of this chapter by a massage therapist performing outcall massage may result in the suspension, revocation or non-renewal of the massage establishment permit or massage accessory use permit with which the massage therapist is affiliated.
   G.   An outcall massage and all massage therapists who perform outcall massage for the massage establishment or massage accessory use, as applicable, must comply with the massage operating requirements under Section 5.18.090, unless expressly exempted.
(Ord. 565-21, Exhibit A (part), 2021)