16.24.040 Application Submittal Requirements.
Applications for development within the hillside overlay zoning district shall comply with the submittal requirements of this chapter. When a development project is a specific plan or master development plan, the submittal requirements shall be incorporated in the appropriate sections of the corresponding documents. If adequate detailed studies are provided with the specific plan and/or master development plan, subsequent implementing development applications shall be reviewed for substantial conformance with these plans.
Application filing requirements are as follows:
   A.   A Natural Features Map. This map shall identify slope banks, ridgelines, canyons, natural drainage courses, U.S.G.S. blueline streams, rock outcroppings, sensitive biotic habitat, cultural resources, and other natural features determined to be worthy of consideration for preservation.
   B.   A Conceptual Grading Plan. A conceptual grading plan shall be submitted at a minimum scale of one inch to two hundred (200) feet (this scale may be adjusted with the approval of the department). The plan shall include the following items:
      1.   A legend with appropriate symbols indicating high point, low point, spot elevations, pad and finished floor elevations, top of wall, top of curb, change in direction of drainage, and planned drainage improvements;
      2.   A separate map with proposed fill areas and cut areas, depths of these areas clearly shown in five-foot topographic lines. Quantities of each cut and fill area shall be clearly marked and calculated as a percentage of the total site area. The fill and cut areas shall be either colored green and red, respectively, cross-hatched, or screened to delineate the separate areas;
      3.   Contours for existing and proposed land conditions. Existing contours shall be depicted with a dashed line with every fifth contour darker, and proposed contours shall be depicted as above except with a solid line. Contours shall be shown at minimum intervals of five feet of change in elevation, with two-foot contours in the flatter areas (if using Riverside County flood control district topographic maps, a four-foot interval may be used); and
      4.   Additional information as required to assist department review of the project.
   C.   Drainage Map. A conceptual drainage and flood control facilities map describing planned drainage improvements. The map shall utilize city standards or an acceptable alternate as determined by the city engineer.
   D.   Slope Analysis Map. A slope analysis map for the purpose of determining the amount and location of land as it exists in its natural state and for calculating average slope categories. A base topographical map of the site shall be prepared and shall have a scale of not less than one inch to two hundred (200) feet. The base topographical map shall include adjoining properties within one hundred (100) feet of the site boundaries to portray the site's context. Slope bands in contrasting colors shall be delineated in the range of zero to twenty-five (0—25) percent, twenty-six to fifty (26—50) percent, and fifty (50) percent or greater. A tabulation of the land area by slope percentage shall also be provided.
The exact method for computing the percent slope and area of each slope category shall be sufficiently de-scribed and presented so that a review can be readily made. A heavy solid line indicating the twenty-five (25) percent grade differential shall be clearly marked on the plan. An eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 x 11) inch legible acetate reduction of the slope analysis with appropriate legend shall also be provided.
   E.   Slope Profile Drawings. A sufficient number of slope profiles shall be provided to clearly illustrate the ex-tent of the proposed grading. A minimum of four cross-section slope profiles shall be included with the slope analysis. Additional profiles may be required by the city engineer. The slope profiles shall:
      1.    Be drawn at the same scale and indexed, or keyed, to the slope analysis map, grading plan, and project site map. Both vertical and horizontal scales shall be indicated;
      2.    Show existing and proposed topography, structures, and infrastructure. Proposed topography, structures, and infrastructures shall be drawn with a thin, solid line. Existing topography and features shall be drawn with a dashed line;
      3.    Extend at least one hundred (100) feet outside the project site boundary to clearly show the impact on adjacent property.
      4.    Be drawn along those portions of the site where:
         a.   The greatest alteration of existing topography is proposed;
         b.   The most intensive or massive development is proposed;
         c.   The site is most visible from surrounding land uses; and
         d.   Where grading will impact natural drainage conditions.
      5.    At least two of the slope profiles shall be roughly parallel to each other and roughly perpendicular to existing contour lines. At least one other slope profile shall be roughly at a ninety (90) degree angle to the other slope profiles and existing contour lines.
   F.   Indicate Source of Data. Both the slope analysis and slope profiles shall indicate the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis and slope profiles.
   G.   Geotechnical Report. A geotechnical and soils report, prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer to city standards and in sufficient detail to substantiate and support the design concepts presented in the application as submitted. Additional environmental studies and investigations, including, but not limited to, hydrologic, seismic, access/circulation, and biota research may also be required to help in the determination of the buildable area of a site.
   H.   Design Guidelines. Design guidelines shall be provided for projects that are to be reviewed by the commission. Otherwise, illustrative building elevations showing all sides shall be provided.
   I.   No Grading Proposed. In the event that no grading is proposed, (e.g., custom lot subdivision) a statement to that effect shall be filed with a plan that shows possible future house plotting, pad grading, driveway de-sign, and septic system location for each parcel proposed. The plan shall be prepared on a topographic map drawn at a scale of one inch to two hundred (200) feet.
   J.   Additional Information. The following items may be required if determined necessary by the director to aid in the analysis of the proposed project:
      1.   A line of sight or view analysis;
      2.   Photographic and/or computer generated graphic renderings;
      3.   A topographic model and/or large scale detailed partial model; or
      4.   Other illustrative techniques determined necessary to aid in review of the project.
   K.   Exceptions to the filing requirements shall be determined by the director.
(Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)