A. A taxicab business permit, taxicab permit and driver's permit, are issued at the sole discretion of the chief of police to a specific applicant. A permit has no monetary value and shall not be transferred, sold or bartered. The rights and responsibilities of the permit holder remain with the permit holder at all times while the permit is current and valid.
B. Every taxicab business permit holder shall report immediately to the police department any and all changes of ownership or management of the taxicab business, including, but not limited to, changes of person(s) principally in charge, stockholders holding more than five percent (5%) of the stock of the corporation, officers, directors and partners in any and all changes of name, style or designation under which the business is to be conducted and all changes of address or telephone numbers of the taxicab business. Such changes are subject to the approval of the chief of police.
C. Failure of any permit holder to comply with any provisions of this chapter or the renewal of the permit, or in the event the permit holder ceases to operate/utilize the permitted business, driver or vehicle, shall cause the issued permit to be null and void.
(Ord. 344 § 25, 2005)