5.25.040 Information on the license.
   Information on the license shall be presented and shall include the following:
   A.    The name and address of the combined campaign, each organization, or fund on behalf of which all or any part of the money collected will be utilized for charitable or religious purposes;
   B.    If there is no organization or fund, the manner in which the money collected will be utilized for charitable or religious purposes;
   C.    The amount, stated as a percentage of the total gift or purchase price, that will be used for direct fund raising expenses. If paid fundraisers are paid a set fee rather than a percentage of the total amount raised, the card shall show the total cost that is estimated will be used for direct fund raising expenses. If the solicitation is not a sales solicitation, the card may state, in place of the amount of fund raising expenses, that an audited financial statement of such expenses may be obtained by contacting the organization at the address disclosed;
   D.    The non-tax-exempt status of the organization or fund, if the organization or land for which the money or funds are being solicited does not have a charitable tax exemption under both federal and state law;
   E.    The percentage of the total gift or purchase price which may be deducted as a charitable or religious contribution under both federal or state law. If no portion is so deductible, the license shall state that “This contribution is not tax deductible.”
(Ord. 302 § 2 (part), 2004)