§ 94.53 VICIOUS.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, or harbor any dog or cat of a dangerous or ferocious disposition that habitually snaps or manifests a disposition to bite, without the said dog or cat being securely held by a chain not over six feet long. If any vicious or dangerous dog or cat is otherwise held, confined, or allowed to run at large, the Code Enforcement Officer or Humane Officer shall have the authority to put the dog or cat to death. Upon written or oral complaints filed with the Village Clerk, Code Enforcement Officer, or Humane Officer that any dog or cat owned by the person named in the complaint is committing injury to persons or property or is an annoyance, dangerous, offensive or unhealthy, the Code Enforcement Officer or Humane Officer shall investigate the complaint and, if in his or her opinion the situation warrants, shall notify the owner to restrain such dog and cat from running at large, and keep such dog or cat upon the premises of the owner, even though the license has been paid.
(Neb. RS 17-526) (Ord. 458, passed 5-12-04) Penalty, see § 94.99