§ 94.43 KENNELS.
   Any person who owns or harbors in the aggregate three or more dogs or cats over three months of age on his or her premises shall be considered to be maintaining a kennel for which an annual license fee of $40 will be charged in addition to the annual required license fee per each dog or cat. The license fee shall be paid each year to the Municipal Clerk by the owner by or before the first (1st) of January of each year. Any person who becomes subject to this section on or after the first (1st) day of January of any year shall be liable for the payment of the dog or cat license herein and such license shall be delinquent if not paid within ten days of becoming subject to this chapter.
('75 Code, § 6-103) (Ord. 458, passed 5-12-04) Penalty, see § 94.99