(A)   A law enforcement officer who has reason to believe that an animal has been abandoned or is being cruelly neglected or cruelly mistreated may seek a warrant authorizing entry upon private property to inspect, care for, or impound the animal.
   (B)   A law enforcement officer who has reason to believe that an animal has been abandoned or is being cruelly neglected or cruelly mistreated may issue a citation to the owner or custodian as prescribed in Neb. RS 29-422 to 29-429.
   (C)   Any law enforcement officer acting under this section shall not be liable for damage to property if such damage is not the result of the officer's negligence.
(Neb. RS 28-1012) (`75 Code, § 6-211) (Am. Ord. 458, passed 5-12- 04; Am. Ord. 507, passed 3-8-11; Am. Ord. 532, passed 2-12-13; Am. Ord. 569, passed 4-12-16; Am. Ord. 578, passed 3-14-17) Penalty, see § 94.99