§ 94.08 TRAPS.
   The use of any type of cyanide pellet traps or any similar type of trap containing a chemical noxious to man is hereby prohibited within the corporate limits of the village, unless the use of such chemical trap is specifically deemed necessary by the Code Enforcement Officer or Humane Officer, and the Board of Health in or for the control of communicable disease. No person shall set up or allow to be set up on his or her property steel jaw traps, spring traps with "teeth" or perforated edges on the holding mechanism, or any type of trap with a holding mechanism designed in such a fashion as to reasonably ensure the cutting, slicing, tearing or otherwise traumatizing of the entrapped prey, for the purpose of ensnaring domestic or wild animals within the limits of the village, unless the use of such trap is specifically deemed necessary by the Code Enforcement Officer or the Humane Officer and the Board of Health in or for the control of communicable disease. This section is not to be construed to include those traps designed to kill common rodents, i.e., rates, mice, gophers, and groundhogs; provided, that the property owner is responsible for taking care that any of the above said rodent traps are not placed or used on or about his or her property in such a manner as to reasonably ensure the trapping of any other domesticated or wild animals, or of a human.
(Ord. 458, passed 5-12-04) Penalty, see § 94.99