(A)   The service line beyond the curb stop shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the consumer. The portion of the service line installed by the consumer shall be not less in size and quality than the service line in the street laid by the Public Works and Utilities, and shall be laid not less than three feet below the surface, and shall not be covered until the tap on the main is made and service line tested. If any defects in workmanship are found the service shall not be turned on until such defects are remedied.
   (B)   The Public Works and Utilities reserves the exclusive right when and where meters will be installed and, in exercise of this right, may install meters on any or all services at any time.
   (C)   An accessible shutoff shall be provided on all water service lines at some point between the water meter and the first consumer branch.
(Ord. 525, passed 9-10-70)