For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE." The certificate that is issued to the customer any time a new tap on (service line) is installed for the first time for natural gas service, certifying that the customer gas piping has been leak tested and the meter timed in compliance with all applicable federal and state rules and regulations and Chapter 51 of the city code.
   "CERTIFICATE OF GAS PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION." The certificate that is provided by the licensed gas professional to the seller or realtor whenever a property with structures, including, but not limited to, houses or businesses, are to be sold.
   "CUSTOMER." The property owner or other person with authority to request natural gas service from Murray Natural Gas (MNG) and to engage a licensed gas professional to construct, reconstruct, install, maintain and repair customer piping and appliances.
   "CUSTOMER PIPING." All piping owned by the customer.
   "DOWNSIDE LINE." Customer piping that enters the ground and must be polyethylene (PE) and must have a tracer wire run in association with the pipe.
   "FACILITY CHARGE." The first component of the monthly charge to the customer. The base rate and the commodity rate shall be charged in addition to the facility charge to arrive at the service charge to the customer.
   "IMMINENT DANGER." Any conditions or practices existing which, in the sole and absolute discretion of MNG personnel, could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of such danger can be eliminated.
   "LICENSED GAS PROFESSIONAL." A state licensed and certified master plumber or the licensed and certified master HVAC technician (licensed gas professional) the customer chooses to design, assemble, install, alter, test, operate or perform maintenance, and/or repair, on any gas piping or apparatus downstream from the meter.
   "MAIN." A distribution line that serves as a common source of supply for more than one (1) service line.
   "MCF." One thousand (1,000) cubic feet of gas at standard temperature and pressure.
   "METER." Any device used for measuring the quantity of gas delivered by the utility to a customer.
   "MURRAY NATURAL GAS SYSTEM (MNG)." The natural gas system owned and operated by the city.
   "NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA)." The national trade association that creates and maintains standards and codes that are adopted by local governments for natural gas services.
   "NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE 54/ANSI Z223.1." The National Fuel Gas Code ("NFPA 54"), the current edition and any subsequent editions, amendments, or alterations approved nationally, provides industry-accepted guidance for the safe design, installation, repair and operation of fuel gas piping systems, appliances, equipment and accessories that licensed gas professionals doing business in the city and its natural gas distribution territory are required to follow.
   "P.E." Polyethylene (plastic) gas service line.
   "PERJURY." Occurs when a person makes a material false statement which he or she does not believe in any official proceeding under an oath required or authorized by law or in a subscribed written instrument for which an oath is required or authorized by law with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his or her official functions.
   "PERSON." An individual, agency, association, branch, corporation, estate, group, partnership or other entity or organization having legal rights and responsibilities separate from those of other entities and/or of its owners or members.
   "PIPE." Any pipe or tubing used in transportation of gas, including pipe-type holders.
   "PLUMBER." A state licensed and certified master plumber or the licensed and certified master HVAC technician (licensed gas professional).
   "POTENTIAL HAZARD." Any situation deemed potentially hazardous to health or safety by Murray Natural Gas personnel that does not constitute an imminent danger, and which may occur if corrective action is not taken.
   "PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENT." A mechanism that permits jurisdictional natural gas distribution utilities to regularly adjust the price of natural gas supplied to consumers to reflect the utility's cost of purchasing that gas and transporting it via pipeline to their system. Necessary because by federal law, the wholesale price of natural gas is unregulated and fluctuates with market conditions. (KRS 278.040; KRS 278.030(1)).
   "SERVICE LINE or DISTRIBUTION SERVICE LINE." The gas pipe from the gas system's main to the meter location, and means all equipment and material required to transfer natural gas from the tap on the natural gas system, to the customer's premises and includes the saddle or tapping tee, the first service shut off valve, the meter and the service regulator, if required.
   "STRUCTURES." Anything that is constructed or built from different interrelated parts with a fixed location on the ground, including, but not limited to, houses, apartment buildings, churches, schools, industrial complexes, and the like.
   "TIME THE METER." The visual observation of the meter for movement, conducted by MNG, for a period of time determined at the sole and absolute discretion of MNG.
(Ord. 2022-1837, passed 12-8-22; Am. Ord. 2023-1856, passed 12-14-23)