(A)   Hearings before the Appeals Board are formal and open to the public. Testimony presented to the Appeals Board is given under oath, and all testimony at the hearing will be recorded. The parties may obtain a copy of the hearing transcript from the Clerk after payment of a fee.
   (B)   The Appeals Board shall be responsible for establishing protocol for the hearings, including, but not limited to the order of testimony of witnesses and submission of evidence.
   (C)   Notification of matters to be presented to the Appeals Board, including, but not limited to, documents and exhibits, must be exchanged between the parties, and provided to the administrative staff for the Appeals Board, clearly identifying that the submittals are for the hearing before the Appeals Board, identifying the hearing by title, and specifying the relevant hearing, no later than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled hearing to enable city staff to prepare the packets for the Appeals Board members.
   (D)   The Chairperson may waive the time requirements as stated in this section for good cause, including occasions when compliance with the time requirement is rendered impossible or impracticable because of the date upon which the hearing is scheduled.
   (E)   The protocols established by the Appeals Board shall govern all hearings and appeals which the Appeals Board is authorized to conduct pursuant to the Murray Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 2019-1788, passed 10-10-19)