(A)   No person, firm, corporation or association shall be permitted to cut into, excavate or disturb a street, alley, roadway or pavement within the corporate limits of the city until such person, firm, corporation or association shall before doing the work obtain an excavation permit from the City Planning Department.
   (B)   When any person, firm or corporation has dug into, excavated or disturbed in any way any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare or place of the city, the person, firm or corporation, upon completion of this work shall immediately notify the City Planning Department, and under the supervision of the City Engineer shall refill the ditch or excavation, thoroughly tamping same and restoring it to its former condition.
   (C)   The payment for the refilling and the resurfacing of the street, roadway, alley or pavement shall be paid for by the person, firm, corporation or association disturbing, digging into, or excavating the pavement or surface.
   (D)   Any person, firm, corporation or association working in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public way must provide Temporary Traffic Control for all road users to include motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians in accordance with Part 6 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control published by the Federal Highway Administration and Section 112 of the Kentucky Standard Specifications published by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, in addition to any applicable federal and state occupational health and safety requirements.
(Ord. 2019-1781, passed 8-22-19)