No person, firm, corporation, property owner, or developer shall erect a fence, wall, and/or hedge row within the Municipality without first securing a zoning certificate in accordance with the following regulations.
   (a)   The owner, part owner, or developer of any lot, premises, or parcel of land within the Municipality shall apply to the Zoning Inspector for a zoning certificate.
   (b)   The Zoning Inspector shall issue a zoning certificate provided that the applicant:
      (1)   Submits a written application upon forms furnished by the Zoning Inspector, along with all required fees as established in Section 163.14(j) of the Codified Ordinances; a plot plan of the lot, premises, or parcel attached showing the exact location of the proposed fence, wall, and/or hedge row in relation to existing structures; a description of the kind and height of fence, wall, and/or hedge row including building materials and method of construction. Each application shall indicate the owner of the property, the occupant of the property, and the contractor or other person that will construct and/or erect the fence, wall, and/or hedge row.
      (2)   Meets all of the requirements of this chapter and the Munroe Falls Zoning Ordinance. If the provisions of this chapter are in conflict with any other provision of the Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of this chapter shall supersede the other sections of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 06-2007. Passed 6-19-07.)