Landscape buffers and visual screening shall be provided on each lot in compliance with the following standards in order to reduce the impact between incompatible uses or zones to break up and lessen the impact of large parking areas, to provide interest and lessen the monotony of the streetscape, to obscure the view of accessory uses and to provide protection from soil erosion.
   (a)   Landscaping and Maintenance of Yards. Required yards and all other portions of the lot not covered by permitted structures shall be landscaped with grass, trees, shrubbery and/or other appropriate ground cover or landscaping material, which at all times shall be maintained in good and healthy condition.
   (b)   Screening of Accessory Uses. Outdoor storage of goods, supplies or equipment used in the operation of the establishment when conditionally permitted, and dumpsters and loading areas shall be screened by an opaque fence or wall a minimum of six feet in height placed adjacent to the dumpster, storage or loading area so as to effect screening from any adjacent streets and any adjoining properties.
   (c)   Screening and Landscaping of Parking Lots. Perimeter and interior landscaping of parking lots shall be provided in accordance with the regulations set forth in Sections 1143.07(h) and 1143.07(i).
   (d)   Screening when Lot Abuts a Residential District. Where any structure is to be built or altered by expansion or diminution within the C-1 District and the lot upon which such structure is to be built is contiguous to either an R-1, R-2, R-3 or R-4 District, parking and driveway areas shall be screened in accordance with the following regulations, and shall be approved as part of the site plan required by Section 1163.03(c).
      (1)   Screening shall consist of one or a combination of the following:
         A.   A dense vegetative planting incorporating trees and/or shrubs of a variety which shall be equally effective in winter and summer.
         B.   A nonliving opaque structure such as a solid masonry wall, solidly constructed decorated fence, or louvered fence.
         C.   A landscaped mound or berm.
      (2)   The height of screening shall be in accordance with the following:
         A.   Visual screening, walls, fences, or mounds and fences in combination shall be a minimum of six feet high in order to accomplish the desired screening effect.
         B.   Vegetation shall be planted with such minimum height to assure that the required six feet high screening effect shall be achieved not later than twelve months after the initial installation.
      (3)   All screening shall be free of advertising or other signs, except for directional signs and other signs for the efficient flow of vehicles.
      (4)   The required landscaping shall be maintained in healthy condition by the current owner and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall conform to the original intent of the landscaped plan.
(Ord. 3-95. Passed 1-17-95)