All off-street parking and loading facilities including entrances, exits, maneuvering areas, queuing areas, and parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following standards and specifications:
   (a)   Parking Space Dimensions. Each off-street parking space, open or enclosed, shall have an area of not less than 162 square feet (measuring 9 feet by 18 feet) exclusive of access drives or aisles. When such parking space is adjacent to a landscaped area, the parking space shall have a minimum area of 153 square feet (measuring 9 feet by 17 feet).
      (1)   Residential enclosed parking areas. Each enclosed off street parking space in a residential use district including but not limited to garages and carports shall conform to the parking space dimensions described in the garage regulations of the residential district in which the enclosed parking space is located.
      (2)   Residential Garage Building Setback. Every residential garage shall have a minimum of 25 feet between the face of the garage and the back of any curb, back of sidewalk or any common or shared driveway.
   (b)   Queuing Space Dimensions. Each off-street queuing space for a drive-thru facility shall have an area not less than 160 square feet (measuring 8 feet by 20 feet) exclusive of access drives and parking aisles and shall not interfere with parking or circulation.
   (c)   Circulation Aisles. The minimum width for a circulation aisle shall be:
      (1)   26 feet for 90° perpendicular parking on a double loaded aisle;
      (2)   18 feet for 60° parking and a one-way aisle;
      (3)   13 feet for 45° parking and a one-way aisle.
      Circulation aisles having a width less than 24 feet shall be one-way aisles.
   (d)   Paving. All parking spaces, except those provided in conjunction with one and two-family dwellings, shall be improved with bituminous, concrete or equivalent paved surfacing unless otherwise waived by the Planning Commission.
   (e)   Drainage. Such parking areas shall be graded, drained, and provided with adequate drainage facilities so that the adjacent properties and rights-of-way shall not be subject to flooding by run-off water from the proposed parking area.
   (f)   Lighting. All lighting used to illuminate such parking areas shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from adjoining properties or streets, and no open light sources such as the stringing of light bulbs shall be permitted.
   (g)   Wheel/Bumper Guards. Curbing, wheel guards or bumper guards as may be necessary shall be provided in connection with any off-street parking area of five cars or more, to contain the cars on sloping surfaces; to prevent bumper over-hang or other encroachment into the required specific setback spaces.
   (h)   Screening of Parking Lots. All sides of a parking lot accommodating five or more vehicles within or abutting a residential district shall be screened from view by one or a combination of the following having a height of not less than 4 feet 6 inches.
      (1)   Dense planting that is effective all year long;
      (2)   Solid wall or fence;
      (3)   Landscaped mound or berm.
      Materials used in any ornamental wall or fence shall be compatible with the character of the proposed development and abutting properties.
   (i)   Interior Parking Lot Landscaping. Parking lots for 20 or more vehicles shall provide landscaped islands of an area equal to five percent (5%) of the parking lot area. Landscaped islands shall be a minimum of 10 feet by 10 feet and have one major shade tree with a clear trunk height of at least 6 feet and a minimum caliper of 2 inches. Shrub plantings adjacent to a building along the perimeter of the parking lot, or in any part of a yard, shall not be counted as interior landscaping. For the purpose of this Section the area of a parking lot shall be the total vehicular surface area including circulation aisles. All parking plans, including landscaping, shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 05-2006. Passed 4-18-06.)