(A) Prohibited materials. All fences shall be constructed from approved fencing materials and shall not be constructed from railroad ties, rubble or salvage, corrugated building metals or other materials not compatible with residential areas. Railroad ties may be used for retaining walls and landscaping features.
(B) Fence building permit required.
(1) Before any fences and walls over 30 inches in height above an established grade are erected in any zoning district along any required yard, the property owner shall first obtain a permit from the village office. A fence permit fee shall be charged based upon the village’s regular building permit fee.
(2) The property owner is responsible for locating all property lines on which the fence is to be constructed.
(C) Front yard fences. Fences constructed between the front building setback line and the front lot line shall not exceed 36 inches in height. Corner lots shall be considered to front on two sides.
(D) Side yard fences. Side yard fences back of the front setback line may not exceed 72 inches in height.
(E) Rear yard fences. Rear yard fences may not exceed 72 inches in height.
(F) Obstruction of vision. No fence or retaining wall shall be constructed or maintained if it will obstruct traffic vision.
(G) Visibility of alley approaches.
(1) On the street side of all lots where an alley enters the street right-of-way, a triangular clear vision zone shall be maintained. Such zone shall measure ten feet into the lots, as measured along the property line, and 20 feet parallel to the street, measured from the edge of any alley away from the alley, along the property line.
(2) No fence, wall, hedge or shrub over 36 inches in height shall be erected or maintained within the above defined clear vision zone.
(H) Fences on utility easements.
(1) Anything in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, any fence, or part thereof, erected within that part of any lot, block or other tract of land which is subject to an easement for the construction, maintenance, operation or replacement of any water, sanitary or storm sewer or electric power, telephone or other utility poles, cables or lines shall be constructed of such material and so designed as to be readily removable, as determined by the Village Utilities Superintendent.
(2) Such fences shall be subject to removal by or upon request of the owner of the easement (the village) whenever necessary to enable the owner of the easement to enjoy the easement and, if removed or replaced, shall be removed or replaced at the expense of the owner of the premises.
(I) Jurisdiction. This section shall extend to and apply to fences on land situated in the zoning jurisdiction of the village; provided, however, that barbed wire fencing shall be allowed on lands outside the village limits when the land is used to pasture animals.
(Prior Code, § 9-701) (Ord. 152, passed 6-15-2006) Penalty, see § 10.99