General Provisions
71.01 Stop when traffic obstructed
71.02 Drivers in a procession
71.03 When permits are required for parades and processions
71.04 Boarding or alighting from vehicle
71.05 Unlawful riding
71.06 Driving upon a sidewalk
71.07 Containment of loads
71.08 Pedestrians to cross at right angles
71.09 Truck routes
General Traffic Operation
71.20 Speed limits
71.21 Turning movements
71.22 Stop and yield intersections
71.23 One-way streets and alleys
Enforcement and Obedience
71.35 Authority of Police and Fire Department officials
71.36 Required obedience to traffic code
71.37 Certain nonmotorized traffic to obey traffic regulations
71.38 Use of coasters, roller skates and similar devices restricted
71.39 Public employees to obey traffic regulations
71.40 Authorized emergency vehicles
71.41 Written reports of accidents
71.42 When driver is unable to report
71.43 Written accident reports confidential
71.99 Penalty