The following monies are not deemed to be "Salaries, wages, commissions, other compensations, or net profits" within the meaning of this chapter.
   (A)   Old age or retirement payments. Periodic payments commonly recognized as old age or retirement pensions made to persons retired from service after reaching a specific age or a stated period of employment are not subject to the occupational license tax.
   (B)   Disability, sickness and accident benefits, unemployment compensation, or other insurance benefits received from personal injuries or property loss. Payments to employees by an employer under disability, sickness, accident benefit plans, are not subject to the occupational license tax. Unemployment compensation payments by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or any other agent, are not subject to the occupational license tax. Payments received for personal injuries and property loss are not subject to the occupational license tax.
   (C)   Death benefits. Death benefits payment to the beneficiary of an employee or his estate, whether payment in a single sum or otherwise, are not subject to an occupational license tax.
   (D)   Worker's Compensation Benefits. Benefits arising under the Worker's Compensation Act as compensation for disabilities sustained during the course of employment, together with any amount of damages received by suit or agreement, on account of such suit are not subject to the occupational license tax.
(Ord. 99-08, passed 6-14-99)