§ 110.10 EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any business, occupation, or profession which is exempt from municipal licensing and/or license taxes pursuant to state or federal law.
   (B)   Individuals who are landowners that raise an agricultural product on land located within the city limits may sell the produce raised on their land located within the city limits. That produce may be sold only on the land owned by the individual and located within the city limits without securing a business license as required by § 110.09.
   (C)   Individuals conducting a sale of personal household goods which were owned and used by that individual in, or on, the individuals property located within the city may conduct a yard sale up to four times each year without securing a business license. An indoor sale of personal property is not to be considered a yard sale. In the event any of said individuals have more than four yard sales per year they shall be required to secure a business license as provided for in § 110.09.
   (D)   Any person or non-profit, civic group for a school fund raiser or craft fair to raise money for a non-profit cause up to four (4) times each year without securing a business license.
   (F)   Special events organized where booths will be erected during an organized event with permission of the property owner and will in the future boost the economic growth and attract potential business to brick-and-mortar business of the city. Individuals having more than four (4) special events per year shall be required to secure a business license as provided in 110.12(A).
(Ord. 04-41, passed 12-13-04; Am. Ord. 2023-03, passed 3-13-23)