(a) "False alarm" means any security signal communicated to the Police Department or Department which is not in response to actual or attempted burglary, holdup, assault, unlawful entry, fire, or other bona fide emergency requiring immediate police or fire response. False alarms include negligently or accidently activated signals; signals which are the result of faulty, malfunctioning or improperly installed or maintained equipment; signals which are the result of improperly installed, secured or maintained windows, doors or similar general areas of the building; and signals which are purposely activated to summon the Police or the Fire Department in nonemergency situations. False alarms shall not include signals willfully activated by security alarm subscribers or users upon good faith belief that an actual or attempted burglary, holdup, assault, unlawful entry, fire or other bona fide emergency is about to occur or when the cause has been proven to be an act of God.
(b) "Security alarm system" means any device or system which transmits a signal visibly, audibly, electronically, mechanically or by the combination of these methods to indicate actual or attempted burglary, holdup, assault, unlawful entry, fire, or other bona fide emergency at a premises requiring an immediate response to the emergency at a premises requiring an immediate response to the scene by the Police Department. Security alarm systems include, but are not limited to, devices activated automatically, such as holdup alarms, but shall not include telephone lines maintained and operated by public utilities under the regulation of the Public Service Commission over which such signals might be transmitted.
(c) "Subscriber" means any user who employs the services of a central alarm system.
(d) "User" means any persons owning and/or operating a security alarm system.
(Ord. 1987-04. Passed 6-15-87.)