1114.14 UTILITIES.
   (a)   Sewer and water line house connections or crossovers shall be installed before the paving of the streets, unless written permission has been obtained from the City Engineer to do otherwise.
   (b)   Utilities shall be installed in rear lot easements except where utility lines already exist. This excludes water, gas and sewer utilities. A total of twelve (12) feet shall be provided at the rear property lines for any utilities required.
   (c)   Water.
      (1)   Where, in the opinion of the MPC, the public water supply is reasonably accessible or available to the proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall construct a complete water distribution system which shall adequately serve all lots and which shall include appropriately spaced fire hydrants, and this system shall be properly connected with the public water supply.
      (2)   All water mains shall be sectionalized and looped when reasonably feasible and achievable. Dead end water mains shall only be permitted upon written approval from the Mount Vernon Fire Department and City Engineer.
      (3)   Where a public water supply is not within a reasonable distance or otherwise available, the subdivider shall normally be required to construct a similar water distribution system and connect it with an alternate supply approved by the County Health Commissioner.
      (4)   Before the MPC approves the use of individual wells, lot sizes shall meet all regulations of the Regional Planning and Health Commission and the same shall be submitted for the approval of the County Health Commissioner.
   (d)   Gas Mains. All new gas service branch lines shall have a shut off valve at the property or curb line.
   (e)   Sanitary Sewers.
      (1)   Where, in the opinion of the MPC, the public sanitary sewerage system is reasonably accessible or available to the proposed subdivision, the subdivider shall construct a subdivision sewerage system to adequately serve all lots and connect the subdivision system to the public system after the City Engineer or designee has approved the size of the lines.
      (2)   Where lots cannot be served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, the subdivider shall meet the regulations of the Knox Public Health as to lot sizes for individual septic tanks and disposal fields. Plans shall be submitted for approval by the Knox County Health Commissioner or a permit for the use of a neighborhood disposal system shall be obtained from the Knox County Health Commissioner.
   (f)   Stormwater Management Systems.
      (1)   An adequate stormwater management system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. The system may include a combination of underground pipes, manholes, inlets, catch basins and other appurtenances, as well as above ground features. The system shall also provide for the maintenance of any natural and constructed drainage courses.
      (2)   All storm sewers shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City standards.
   (g)   Underground Utility Distribution and Communication Facilities. The installation, construction, and expansion of electric, telephone, cable television and/or all new services for subdivisions may be located in the right-of-way or along rear lot lines and placed underground subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
      (1)   Transmission lines are exempt from this section. Transmission lines are defined as those lines constructed between generating stations and substations.
      (2)   Underground utilities shall serve the subdivision within or along the right-of-way of existing or proposed public streets, provided that prior to installation of such facilities, the subdivider pays the utility companies' schedules and/or associated charges and gives written commitment to pay the utility company for the cost of any relocation of such facilities and to provide all easements necessary for relocation and for any extensions. The subdivider shall provide necessary easements to the utility companies at no cost.
      (3)   All service lines connecting the customer's service within the utility company's underground distribution lines shall be installed underground to connection points on the distribution facilities determined by the utility company. The customer's service line shall be installed by the subdivider or customer, except for communications service lines. The actual connection to the utility company's facilities shall be made by the utility company.
      (4)   Installation of pad mounted transformers and communication interconnection cabinets are required and nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the installation of this equipment underground. The use of underground transformers shall not be permitted. Prior to paving any street, the developer shall install, at its own cost, acceptable separate conduit cross-overs for electric and communication facilities at locations specified by the utility company.
      (5)   Temporary overhead services of electric and telephone utilities shall be allowed, provided that all permanent electric, telephone and cable television services within and adjacent to a new subdivision or commercial and industrial use shall be underground. For purposes of this section, "temporary overhead service" means:
         A.   Service necessary for immediate public convenience and necessity and constructed to serve only on an interim basis until permanent underground services can be installed; or
         B.   Service which, in order to reach a new subdivision or commercial or industrial use, must be extended from existing overhead service through undeveloped parcels of land not included in the subdivision or commercial or industrial use.
            (Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)